Simple Postecoglou

Simple Postecoglou

Simple Postecoglou

Morning chilblains, once again you're at the entrance of a better world.

The elusive success.

Success is simple to achieve.

The first step is to fail.

Let's delve back into old discussions and a recent one.

To succeed you must have a burning vision with a total and utter belief in that vision.

In your mind there isn't even the question of failure.

Your subconscious will tell you how to achieve it, you just have to piece it all together and come up with a cohesive plan...

That you totally believe in, with every fibre of your being.

If you have that, you will succeed.

No question.

The only thing that can stop you, is you stopping, you losing focus, you.

Don't get me wrong, you'll make mistakes, you'll have to make adjustments, some things won't work as you believe or you have to refine or double your efforts or learn new skills, gain more knowledge, but...

Retain focus and belief and success will arrive.

It could be quick, it could take years, it could take 50 years, but sticking to it and success is guaranteed.

That was the message Ange Postecoglou was giving in his press conference or wss it his Q&A, that was just a line or two.

That is the unspoken bit behind it.

The examples are in 'Think and Grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill, who we discussed the other day and how that book is written, with 'hidden messages' may be worth another article to demonstrate the difference between senior figures in an organization and the man in the street. 

Ange Postecogelief, success.lou stands out as a figure who embodies the essence of the vision, belief, success formula.

From his early playing days as a fast and attacking player to his current role as a renowned manager, Postecoglou's journey has been fueled by an unwavering passion for the sport.

Postecoglou's career began at South Melbourne, a club deeply rooted in the Greek community, where the expectations were high. Captaining the team at the tender age of 21, he quickly learned that winning was not enough—it had to be accompanied by an exciting and attacking style of play, satisfying the fervent supporters who rallied behind the club.

But there is more to Ange Postecoglou than just his love for football. In an industry known for its ruthlessness, he stands out as an individual navigating the brutal realities with integrity.

 In a world where doubters may abound, Postecoglou has a unique ability to instill belief, assuring players that they can achieve what others may consider impossible.

Contrary to the egocentric nature often associated with football and certainly present in Mourinho and Conte, Postecoglou remains humble. He doesn't seek attention or the limelight; rather, he dedicates himself to the task at hand.

It is through adversity that true character is revealed and that certainly applies to supporters, winners get behind the club and losers turn on it.

The transformation that Postecoglou aims to instigate extends beyond the boundaries of individual matches. It is a shift in mentality that he believes is necessary for Tottenham to conquer the biggest games and write their own history. His ambition reaches even greater heights, as he aspires to guide his team to success.

As you can imagine, having written about the importance of mentality for many years, I'm right behind someone who embraces it to achieve. It has to be imparted to others to succeed and I'm very hopeful we have found the right man to finally achieve that.

I'm looking forward to his unique approach and unwavering commitment that can propel Tottenham Hotspur to new heights.

Simple Postecoglou

He is confident in his own ability to help you
He will tell you news to your face, good or bad
He doesn't mess around or mince his words
His messages are very clear
He has a winning mentality
He is a strict intense manager
He is tough
He is I lead, you follow or get out the way
He believes all the players have the ability to succeed, but all have the fragility to fail
He will tell you you can when everyone else tells you you can't
He is driven because he loves the game
He doesn't say a lot, but he's watching, you feel his eyes burning the back of your head, you turn around and he's looking at you
You don't know what he's thinking so you always want to impress
He rewards form and fitness
He has always had an eye on the future, through youth
He scouted and sourced players himself as Australian national coach (he flew to England to see former Spurs youth player Massimo Luongo who now has 43 international caps)

He is not ego-driven, he doesn't need to see his name in the papers
He's like a father figure, occasionally
The players are going to love him and it is unsurprising that the first words are that they are enjoying training again
He takes on the pressures of preparation and planning, the players just have to go out, perform and create history
No story is yet written, time to write one for Spurs

When Australia were drawn in the group of death, his son text him to tell him the whole world will be watching, this is the time to shine and that's exactly how Ange Postecoglou handles challenges
He sees challenges an opportunity to leave a mark
That is what the Spurs players will have to embrace
That is what the youth will have to embrace
He will throw youth in for them to rise to the challenge

On the very big games, the finals etc, Spurs have not risen to the challenge and that has to change
It is a mentality thing

His ambition: He wants to win a World Cup