The Postecoglou message Spurs fans haven't heard

The Postecoglou message Spurs fans haven't heard

The Postecoglou message Spurs fans haven't heard

Morning folks and a lovely piece in Spurs Chat today about something that struck me immediately upon hearing it, something a winning mentality hears, that the masses hear but fail to see its importance.

Grab your drink, engage your open enquiring mind and read slowly to get the full impact and benefit from this valuable addition to the important works of Tottenham Hotspur Blog News (THBN).

The appointment of Ange Postecoglou as the new head coach of Tottenham Hotspur has certainly brought me renewed hope and anticipation, as it should have done amongst all fans.

In a recent Q&A session, Postecoglou shed light on the essence of a winning mentality and emphasized the importance of belief and a shared vision. This article delves into the disparity between the winning mentality exhibited by a select few and the average fan's mindset, focusing on how fans can foster a positive change, especially on social media platforms, to contribute to creating a successful club.

Furthermore, drawing inspiration from Napoleon Hill's seminal work "Think and Grow Rich," (something I have referenced several times before) we will explore a formula for success based on his 25 years of studying and more importantly interviewing personally, the rich and influential leaders of the time.

OK, so before we begin, very few of you will even know who Napoleon Hill is and why his work is so important, being as it is, the Bible to Success.

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill (1883-1970) was an American author and self-help pioneer who became widely known for his book "Think and Grow Rich." He is considered one of the most influential figures in the personal development and success literature genre. Hill's work was focused on uncovering the secrets to achieving success and wealth by studying and interviewing successful individuals, including prominent business leaders like Andrew Carnegie. Over the course of 25 years, Hill conducted extensive research, studying the habits, mindset, and strategies of the rich and influential leaders of his time. His work focused on understanding and sharing the principles and strategies employed by successful individuals to achieve their goals.

He interviewed figures such as Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, Alexander Graham Bell, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and John D. Rockefeller, among others. The insights he gained from these discussions formed the basis of his groundbreaking book, "Think and Grow Rich," which was published in 1937.

"Think and Grow Rich" presents a formula for success, highlighting principles such as desire, faith, specialized knowledge, persistence, and organized planning. Hill's book aimed to empower individuals to overcome challenges and achieve their goals, emphasizing the power of positive thinking, visualization, and developing a burning desire for success.

These were traits Pele had, Glenn Hoddle had and used, Didier Drogba, Johan Cruyff, Leonel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.

If you want success, Napoleon Hill is the man to listen to, as everything he said, still applies today.

Ange Postecoglou

Right, next, you need to know what Ange Postecoglou said when asked about creating a winning mindset at the club by a, 14 year old I think it was.

"What's really important is that you understand that everybody wants to win. There isn't a football club, a sporting club, a person who's involved in a sporting organization that doesn't want to win. 
"What's more important than having that mentality to win is believing in something. That's what separates the special teams, the special athletes, the special people from everyone else, is that if you're just chasing the victory, well, that can't be enough because no one goes into a game of football wanting to lose. It doesn't matter their level. You want to win. 
"But if you can believe in something beyond just that end result and that gets you the end result, that's when you can create something really special. That could be the way you play football or the way you behave or that you're trying to achieve something special, something that hasn't been done before. 
"The great things in the world that have been achieved, that have been done as a first, have been by people who have gone beyond just wanting to achieve something. 
"They wanted to do something that was special and had that belief. So I really think that's important. So if your dream is to become a top footballer or a top team, it's what's going to get you there. 
"What's going to be that inside you that drives you because you're not going to win every week. You're going to have challenges. You're going to have stumbles along the way. What's going to be that thing that's going to get you back up? 
"If you can find that, for me, it's just, I've said all along, it's just the way my teams play. That's more important to me than winning a game of football. The consequence of that is winning games of football. 
"That's the thing that kind of drives the group. We want to play football in a wa,. we want to play football that everyone wants to watch, not just Tottenham supporters. If we can achieve that, then I think the success will follow."

Yes, I prefer to use a z instead of an s for all you grammar butters.

The Desire to Win

Postecoglou's words resonated strongly with me when he stated that every individual, from football clubs to sporting organizations, yearns for victory. It's normal, average.

However, a mere desire to win is insufficient to propel a team to success.

It is the unwavering belief in a greater purpose that sets apart exceptional teams, athletes, and individuals. Fans must internalize this belief and look beyond immediate results to help create an environment conducive to success.

Unfortunately, some Spurs fans do the exact opposite.

Transcending the End Result

Postecoglou underlines the significance of embracing a higher goal beyond the final scoreline. A team that plays with purpose, adhering to a distinctive style of football, demonstrates a commitment to something greater.

This, of course, applies off the pitch as well as on the pitch.

Drawing inspiration from Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich," which explores the formula for success, fans can adopt a similar approach. This approach seeks to engender long-lasting success, as victories become the natural consequence of an all-encompassing vision.

Overcoming Challenges and Stumbles

A winning mentality goes beyond celebrating victories; it perseveres through adversity and setbacks. Fans must understand that the journey to success is rarely a smooth one.

Supporting the club during difficult times, rallying behind players and staff, and fostering an environment of positivity are crucial contributions fans can make. Resilience, determination, and unwavering support can reinvigorate the team when faced with obstacles and setbacks.

Fans' Role on Social Media

In today's digital age, social media has become a powerful tool for fans to express their opinions and engage with their favourite clubs. However, it is vital to channel this influence constructively.

Instead of engaging in constant criticism or negativity, fans can use social media as a platform to share optimism, encouragement, and support.

Constructive discussions, appreciation for players' efforts, and recognition of the team's oe clubs progress can foster a positive atmosphere and uplift the morale of both players and coaching staff.

The side benefit is the media change their narrative to a positive optimistic one to appeal to the vocal, given they think that is the mass view, which it rarely is.

Building a Community of Believers

Transforming the average fan mentality into a winning mentality requires collective effort. Fans can proactively engage in activities that promote unity and create a sense of belonging.

Organizing fan events, supporting local initiatives, and establishing platforms for constructive dialogue (one such could make this club the richest in the world in 2 years) can cultivate a community that shares a common vision.

Drawing inspiration from Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich," fans can embrace the lessons learned from successful individuals and apply them to the club's journey toward greatness and their own support.

Final THBN Thoughts

Ange Postecoglou's insightful response to building a winning mentality serves as an inspiration for Tottenham Hotspur fans.

It was a far more important question and response than the majority appreciate, in fact, I'd so far as to say it went over most people's heads. A winning mentality picks up on it though as the most important part of the whole video.

A tangent again. Spurs TV could use this message and elaborate on it to create an educational range for children around the world backed up by inserts from their heroes like Harry Kane. Spurs |TV currently is a wasted resource, not fulfilling its potential, like some of these youngsters we buy.

By embracing a shared vision, going beyond the quest for victory, and supporting the team through thick and thin, fans can play a pivotal role in the club's success. Engaging positively on social media and fostering a community of believers, influenced by the principles of Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich," will contribute to a thriving environment that fuels the team's progress.

With the fans' unwavering support and a winning mentality embedded at the core, Tottenham Hotspur can aspire to reach unprecedented heights and create a legacy that transcends individual victories.