Fans are not Ambitious

How Ambitious People Behave and Why Football Fans Complaining All Week on Social Media About People Within the Football Club They Profess To Support Don't Portray Ambition?

Fans are not Ambitious

I saw a Twitter username the other day 'Ambitious Spurs Fan' but the tweet wasn't ambitious at all, it displayed no ambition, it was an attack on the club, it had twisted facts and taken no account that certain players decided not to join Tottenham Hotspur, which you can hardly blame the club for.

People seem to forget a footballer gets to choose where he wants to play and money id not the overriding issue, if it is then that player is the wrong player to achieve success with, he has the wrong mentality.

That of course made me think about the elements that make up ambition and whether the agenda-driven displayed any of them, given they haven't been able to come up with an alternative plan in 10-15 years between them.


In the realm of ambition and football fandom, there exists a peculiar phenomenon where passionate supporters vent their frustrations and criticisms about individuals within the football club they profess to support.

This behavior, predominantly observed on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, raises an interesting question: Do these complaints truly reflect a lack of ambition within the club and its personnel?

In this article, we will delve into the complex nature of ambition, examining how ambitious individuals behave and exploring the underlying motivations behind the incessant complaints regardless of context, of football fans.

By understanding these dynamics, we can gain valuable insights into the world of sports fandom and its relationship with ambition.

Ambition: A Catalyst for Success

The Essence of Ambition

Ambition serves as a powerful driving force that propels individuals toward their goals or aims and aspirations. It embodies a relentless desire for personal growth, achievement, and excellence.

Harry Kane has demonstrated this desire, Tanguy Ndombele has not.

Ambitious individuals exhibit a distinct set of characteristics that distinguish them from the rest. They are self-motivated, resilient, positive and proactive, constantly seeking opportunities for self-improvement and advancement.

Do the anti-crowd improve and are they positive as supporters?

Ambition in Football

The world of football is synonymous with ambition. Clubs strive for triumphs on the pitch, trophies in their cabinets, and a loyal fan base. Ambition permeates every aspect of the sport, from the players on the field to the managers, coaches, and club owners behind the scenes.

These stakeholders are driven by the pursuit of glory, both for themselves and the club they represent.

Supporters should be a part of this for more than 90 minutes a week and they ought to be able to recognize it with Spurs, it's clear to see without the scotomas hatred instils.

The Dual Nature of Football Fandom

Passionate Devotion

Football fans are renowned for their unwavering loyalty and fervent support for their chosen club. They invest substantial time, emotion, and resources into following the team's progress, cheering them on during matches, and engaging in spirited discussions with fellow fans.

This passionate devotion forms the foundation of football fandom.

Frustration and Criticism

However, the very same passion that fuels fandom can also give rise to frustration and destructive criticism, often based on an agenda that limits vision.

Football fans are deeply invested in the success of their club, and when their high expectations are not met, they express their dissatisfaction and disappointment, often in the wrong manner. Fans are more concerned with their ego being boosted than actually helping the club achieve the success they profess they want the club to achieve, despite their actions

This often manifests as complaints directed towards individuals within the club, such as players, coaches, or management, when fans haven't a clue about performing in any of the roles.

The Psychology of Complaints

Emotional Venting

Complaints voiced by football fans serve as a form of emotional release. When the team fails to meet their expectations (fans ignore the important club expectations) or suffers setbacks, fans experience a range of emotions, including anger, frustration, and disappointment.

Venting these emotions through complaints on social media provides a cathartic outlet for fans to express their displeasure, but it frequently goes way over the top because they think they are anonymous and therefore have no responsibility.

Desire for Improvement

Behind the complaints lies a genuine desire for improvement, that is usually the case anyway, unless it is based on a pre-existing hatred. Football fans want to see their club succeed and strive for excellence, that's obvious, we all do, some help, some don't.

By expressing their grievances, they hope to draw attention to perceived deficiencies within the team or management, prompting positive changes and better performance. However, usually they don't have the skills to see the game in the way a coach does and look for the root cause, rather than how a problem eventually manifests itself.

Take a cricket coach. If you see a player play a poor shot, it is useless to improve the actual shot, because another fault will arise. You have to find the root cause and that is probably, almost certainly, their head position, because their head position dictaters the rest of the body.

People complain about centre-backs, but if the protection is not in front of the centre-backs, it makes no difference if you just change the centre-backs, the root cause is still there and it will just see the problem manifest itself in another way.

Thus all the complaints are, well, wrong basically.

They are formed and expressed from a lack of knowledge, so don't really solve or help anything. They merely make the individual feel better but serve no other positive purpose

Ambition vs. Perception

The Disconnect

The dissonance between the complaints of football fans and the perception of ambition within the club is rooted in the subjective nature of ambition itself.

Ambition is not easily quantifiable, and external observers may interpret it differently based on their own perspectives and expectations. This most definately happens with Spurs fans and that dissonance is magnified when one party has greater vision than the others limited vision.

While fans may perceive certain actions or decisions as lacking ambition, those within the club may have their own strategic considerations that align with their long-term goals.

A club has a long-term vision and short-term vision must fit within that long-term vision. Fans generally only have short-term vision, immediate vision, which takes no account of long-term vision.

There again is a dissonance between the club vision/ambition and fans vision/ambition.

Balancing Act

Football clubs must navigate a delicate balancing act between short-term success and long-term sustainability, but fans pay lip service, at best, to the sustainability issue.

Ambition is not solely measured by immediate victories or extravagant signings but also by the implementation of well-defined strategies, youth development programs, and financial stability.

The club operates that way, the fans don't.

These factors, while not immediately evident to the passionate fan base, contribute to the long-term growth and ambition of the club, hence the misunderstanding of the fans.

Final THBN Thoughts

In the realm of football fandom, the complaints made by fans on social media platforms do not necessarily reflect a lack of ambition within the club and its personnel. Rather, they represent the passionate devotion and high expectations of supporters who desire success for their beloved team.

Understanding the psychology behind these complaints can provide valuable insights into the intricate relationship between ambition and sports fandom.

Ultimately, it is the collective ambition of the club, the players, the coaching staff, and the fans that drives football towards greater heights of excellence.

If one element works against the other, then success is more difficult to achieve and certainly fans are working against the club at Tottenham Hotspur, where a substitute can be booed before he has set foot on the pitch or abused all week on social media by supporters who have negative outlooks.


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