Snowflake Reporters vs Ange Postecoglou

Snowflake Reporters vs Ange Postecoglou

Achieving Spurs Success

Well, there you have it, these journalists, presenters, reporters, call them what you will, snowflakes, seem to be upset by a fact.

I have no time for any of them.

Let's be honest, they are missing the point and skirting around one issue, which raises another issue and demonstrates they are out of their depth when, as most fans are, when talking about how to achieve success, none of them know.

None of them have a winning mentality, none of them know how a winner thinks and for me, they just embarrass themselves every press conference.

It's patently obvious to someone with a winning mentality, but Ange postecoglou can't exactly tell them that, although he clearly wants to.

Anyway back to the issue they are avoiding.

The root cause and I have discussed this many times...

Ask your question and shut up.

The interviewer, was it Alex Scott, asked a question, put the microphone under Postecoglou's mouth, took it away to justify her question, put it back under his mouth, took it away again to try and further justify her questiom.

Ange's response was to tell her to let him answer the question basically.

That is what has upset these snowflakes really.

I have complained many times about the stupidity and cluelessness of these media folk.

They seem to think they are the star, they seem to think they have to give an answer and ask a question to get the answer that agrees with them.

They are constantly seeking justification of their ego, to be seen as being right, when really they are there to elicit fresh information, new information, unchartered territory.

I admonish Alasdair Gold a lot, he has conned a lot of people, but he is the one journalist who has listened to me and improved the standard of question he poses.

I didn't have a problem with his retort.

The next press conference they start going on and on about it.

I always win in my second year.

What's the problem, he always has.

How dare a manager be that confident, no no no, he should be thinking he might not win, he should be saying its a possibility we could win or we are not good enough yet to win.

That seems to be the message reporters want, but that a failure message, that's a losing mentality message.

To succeed, you MUST have total belief in what you are doing, TOTAL BELIEF.

Achievement of any goal must be preceded by a burning desire for its attainment and unfailing belief in your ability to attain it.

How many times have I referred you to the chapters of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and that Postecoglou follows that path.

In Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill emphasizes the importance of having faith in yourself and your ability to achieve your goals.

  • Visualization
    Hill encourages readers to visualize their goals and see themselves achieving them. Hoddle, Drogba and Pele all did this.
  • Positive self-talk
    Hill recommends using positive self-talk and affirmations to reinforce your beliefs and goals.
  • Persistence
    Hill emphasizes the importance of keeping working towards your goals, even when faced with obstacles.
  • Surrounding yourself with like-minded people
    Hill recommends surrounding yourself with people who support and encourage you.
  • Focusing on the long term
    Hill says that suppressing negative thoughts and focusing on the long term can lead to true and lasting success.
  • Developing a niche
    Hill says that to become wealthy, you must focus on the specific knowledge that will lead to success.
Think and Grow Rich is one of the most popular personal development and self-improvement books of all time, indeed it is considered to be the bible of success, selling over 100 million copies worldwide since its first publication in 1937.

It is the formula the successful have used.

Achieving Success

You can't achieve a goal if you can't first see it.

You actually see how you are achieving it and living before you know how to get to that point.

Postecoglou knows the end product, he knows how the players are supposed to play, how they are supposed to finish and it is that he is working towards, NOT winning a trophy.

Winning a trophy is a by-product of the application of the system correctly.

Anti-Levy fans don't understand that, they are not winners.

You see each step, you map it out.

You keep working towards that vision despite setbacks, which are merely learning opportunities, you DO NOT change course (the Alasdair Gold syndrome).

Ange Postecoglou is forever giving these messages and Daniel Levy says Ange Postecoglou is a breath of fresh air because he has the same mindset, a success orientated one.

We have dismissed managers who don't match up to that, but now we have found one who does and so there is no chance of him being sacked or leaving.

He is the manager Daniel Levy has been seeking and he trusts his judgement of a player, he trusts Fabio Paratici's judgement of a player too, hence why he is a consultant.

Winners surround themselves with like-minded people. This is what Levy has done with Postecoglou.

It's why you block or ignore anti-Levy folk on social media. These life failures are trying to tell a life success how to be successful, it's comical

If you want to be successful you cut these people out of your life. 

If you value their friendship over success, prepare to fail, unless your goal is to drag them up to your level because otherwise they sure as hell will keep you down at their level.

Focussing on the long term is not something you associate with a season-to-season thinking fan wanting instant results now.

Tottenham are embarked on the long term. Our purchases are with the long term in mind. 

Achieving now is a by-product.

Are we trying to achieve that by-product, yes of course we are, but that by-product has to come within the long term project.

Developing a niche. Our style of play is that niche, but I could add to that and say we could/should become world leaders in developing the mind to gain an advantage on the opposition, to take us to the next level.

It's visionary!

Achieve Success

That graphic is the mindset of success so are you a supporter with it or a part-time 90 minute supporter without it?