The Collie's Wisdom: Why Sticking to Plan A is the Real Plan for Success

The Collie's Wisdom: Why Sticking to Plan A is the Real Plan for Success

The Collie's Wisdom Why Sticking to Plan A is the Real Plan for Success

Talk from some fans is changing to Plan B when Plan A isn't working, but all that means is playing a style you are not as good at. Doesn't sound very logical, sounds like change for change's sake.

In a world that often preaches the virtue of adaptability and the necessity of having a backup plan, there's a valuable lesson to be learned from a border collie herding sheep.

What the hell is he talking about now!

Have you ever watched sheep herding or perhaps sheep herding for beginners?

A collie has a remarkable ability to guide two (or more) sheep into their pen and it you watch it becomes clear that sometimes, sticking to Plan A is not only wise but essential for success.

The Spear-Shaped Lesson:

A collie, with its spear-like precision, demonstrates an unwavering commitment to its purpose.

They have a straight line from tail to head, akin to our values, which serves as a reminder that knowing what we stand for is crucial. In the face of challenges.

The collie's resolute gaze and firm stance symbolize the strength derived from aligning our actions with our core values.

The Power of Purpose:

One crucial aspect that sets Plan A apart is having a clear and specific purpose.

The collie's mission was straightforward: get the sheep inside the fence.

This clarity of purpose allowed the dog to maintain unwavering focus and determination.

How many times have we found ourselves adrift because we lack a clear understanding of our values and goals?

Without a specific purpose, our efforts may lack direction and fall short of achieving the desired results.

Why Stick to Plan A?

  1. Mastery through Repetition:

Changing to a Plan B might seem like a practical solution when faced with difficulties, but the collie teaches us the value of mastery through repetition.

The more we practice and refine Plan A, the more adept we become at handling its intricacies.

Plan B, on the other hand, is often underutilized and can leave us less skilled and prepared to tackle unforeseen challenges.

  1. Channeling Emotions towards a Goal:

The collie's self-control in the face of larger opponents underscores the importance of channeling emotions toward a specific goal.

In the heat of an argument or when confronted with setbacks, maintaining emotional composure and aligning our responses with our values can be a powerful tool.

Like the collie, we must have a delusional belief in ourselves and our ability to overcome obstacles.

Listen to Postecoglou, he has a vision and we work continually toward the vision, not wavering, learning from challenges and disappointments to better handle the same situations that arise in the future.

We don't deviate for 3 points to slow the whole journey down.

It's the Alasdair Gold Syndrome all over again.

  1. The Sheep Will Move:

Ultimately, the collie's success lies in its ability to persist, hold its ground and send a clear message.

By aligning our actions with our values and maintaining focus on a specific goal, we can influence outcomes and achieve success, just as the collie persuades the sheep to move.

To Finish:

In a world that is too quick to demand switching to Plan B, the collie's wisdom suggests that sometimes, the real strength lies in sticking to Plan A.

This is the strength Postecoglou, a serial winner, displays.

By knowing our values, having a clear purpose and channeling our emotions towards a goal, we can navigate challenges with grace and achieve success beyond what we initially thought possible.

This is how Daniel Levy runs the club, to a vision, not the season-to-season knee-jerk method of fans.

So, the next time you're tempted to suggest switch plans, remember the collie and hold your ground – the sheep will move.