99% certain to stay - Tick

Regular reader will know this is about the only website that has been adamant Hugo Lloris would be going nowhere this window after news received in February. Mauricio Pochettino has now confirmed Lloris leaving was never even a possibility.

The press do like to try and create a story or a summer-long saga they can keep coming back to and reporting on. This transfer window they have tried to make something out of Hugo Lloris's situation, for them his departure was almost a certainly, for me it was a certainty he would be staying. Head coach Pochettino confirmed that in the pre-game press conference when asked about the 28-year-old (29 in December) French stopper.
"We are happy that Hugo is our player and that was never in doubt. Maybe this week he will start to catch the ball. It’s early to think he will play on Saturday, but maybe he has a chance."
Lloris believes he can achieve his goal of UEFA Champions League football with Spurs as he sees something being built that he wants to be a part of and feels he can contribute to. Not every player is simply in it for the money, plenty are though.

When you find a head coach you empathise with and a club you are happy at then it makes any decision to leave a little bit harder. The grass is not always greener, just as a change of owner may or may not send the club backwards, it has done nothing for Manchester City initially or Aston Villa or Newcastle United thus far, signing for a new club may or may not be a success.

There is always an element of risk in everything. How much does Lloris enjoy being a sweeper keeper and would playing behind a defence who do not play a high line make the game less enjoyable for him?

There is of course time enough for everything to change, but there have been no indications that that is going to happen, Lloris has known about the captaincy for a while and we haven't given it to him because we think he might leave, quite the opposite.

Previous Tottenham Articles
The 'jealous of Chelsea' minority
Spurs archaic trust in hope
The invisible change Pochettino is making

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