More details of Stadium meeting 22 June

The Haringey Council meeting of the 22 June 2015 document link is at the end of the article and contains a lot of detail.

Monday is the day the Haringey Council Planning Sub-Committee meet to discuss an amendment to the new stadium proposals.

The demolition and comprehensive redevelopment of a stadium (White Hart Lane) with hotel, retail, museum, offices and housing; together with associated facilities including the construction of new and altered roads, footways, public and private open spaces; landscaping and related works.

Tottenham have asked the Council to give approval to design amendments that provide a
new basement level beneath the approved stadium in order accommodate some of the
already consented car parking spaces proposed at ground floor level, as well as plant and
storage areas, and amendments to the consented ground floor layout to allow for extended
player changing facilities, enhanced media facilities and other associated stadium uses.

The club can change the design and the layout of the stadium -  fitting out the inside and the specifications at any time if it doesn't make any significant change to the existing planning permission.

Tottenham are not seeking any external appearance changes or changing the height, scale or mass, access arrangements, spectator capacity or number of parking spaces of the already consented stadium scheme. As this is classed as a 'minor material amendment' the recommendation is to approve the changes.

Originally we had applied, as part of the scheme, for 319 parking spaces on the ground floor, now we want to move 259 of those underground leaving just 60 at ground level.  The proposal also increases wheelchair access, raising the  wheelchair accessible car parking spaces to 58. This basement level will be in a 'horse shoe shape' under the North, East and West stands with additional storage space and a VIP reception area from the underground car parking.

On the ground floor a new wheelchair ramp, under the South Stand, will give access to the underground parking area. The area previously designated for car parking will now be used to provide additional changing room and associated facilities such as a press conference room and a briefing room. In addition a VIP area will be created.

The proposals will allow Tottenham to host tournament football in the new stadium. 

The northern end of the Northumberland Development Project site is now occupied a Sainsbury's superstore and Lilywhite House, which is now home to Tottenham Hotspur offices and houses the 
University Technical College. This was the 'Northern Development' of Phase 1.

The document to be submitted to the Haringey Council Panning Sub-Committee talks of the work done so far but also makes reference to the fact that Tottenham are discussing with the Council potential planning changes. The Council can then work with the club to advise us what may or may not gain approval and ne proposals that are likely to be accepted can then be drawn up and submitted.

The document confirms Tottenham plans to submit a further planning application that can only be guessed at but could be a stadium re-design. The document says 'Pre-application discussions with the Council are ongoing and the club's intention is to submit a further planning application in the future.'

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