Erik Lamela Performance

Erik Lamela

West Ham United 0 Tottenham Hotspur 1

16th August 2014 at 15:00
English Premier League (EPL)
Stadium: Boleyn Ground (London)

Performance Stats

Forward Passes: 12
Backwards Passes: 13
Total Passes: 25
Successful Passes: 18
Pass Completion: 72%
Key Passes: 0
Assists: 0
Chances Created: 0
Average Pass Length: 13m

Goals Conceded: 0
Goals Scored: 0
Goals Left Foot: 0
Goals Right Foot: 0
Goals Headed: 0
Goals Inside Area: 0
Goals Outside Area: 0
Goals Set Piece: 0
Goals Penalty: 0
Goals Direct Free Kick: 0
Goals Crossed Free Kick: 0
Goals Corners: 0

Goal Attempts
Shots: 0
Shot Accuracy: 0%
Shots Inside Box: 0
Shots Outside Box: 0

Opponent Duels
Tackles Won: 2
Tackles Lost: 0
Take on Success: 2
Take on Success: 66.67%
Headers Won: 0
Headers Win: 0%
Duels Success: 60%
Fouls For: 2
Fouls Against: 1

Interceptions: 0
Blocks: 1
Clearances: 1
Errors: 0
Errors Costing Goals: 0

Yellow: 0
Red: 0
Simulation: 0
Verbal Abuse: 0
Bad Tackles: 0

Match Day Squad

Hugo LlorisGK
Brad FriedelGK
Eric DierD
Younes KaboulD(CR)
Etienne CapoueD(C),DM(C)
Nabil BentalebDM(C)
Danny RoseD(L)
Kyle NaughtonD(LR)
Ben DaviesD(L)
Michael DawsonD(C)
Lewis HoltbyM(CLR)
Christian EriksenAM(CL)
Andros TownsendAM(LR)
Erik LamelaAM(CLR),FW
Aaron LennonAM(LR)
Harry KaneFW
Emmanuel AdebayorFW
Roberto SoldadoFW

Player Performance

Another player maligned by Ruud Gullit on Match of the Day and to be fair he did have a point. He had to curtail the attacking and drop back to do his defensive duties when we were down to 10 but ran at West Ham when he had the chance.

He has been showing good vision but it was missing today and he did run up a few blind alleys, although West Ham seemed to put four men on him at times. Naturally after last season he wants to show what he can do so may have tried a little too hard instead of looking for the pass. He did tend to come inside when he had the ball from a long way out leaving us with little room.

He did his defensive duties OK and wasn't simply brushed off the ball as he would have been last season. His tricks led to nothing but he was part of a team that kept them at bay only able to break at the opposition when we were defensively secure so they had all their men back.

A satisfactory if unspectacular start to get a game under his belt and looking more able to cope this season.