Spurs' Golden Opportunity For Worldwide Fame

Spurs' Golden Opportunity For Worldwide Fame

Spurs' Golden Opportunity For Worldwide Fame

  • VAR reform is too big an opportunity to miss for both Spurs and Liverpool
  • Campaign leaders in a MOVEMENT FOR VAR CHANGE
  • A 'UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY' to increase global brand awareness and historical legacy

Hello folks, an interesting weekend.

As ever, I'll give you a unique take.

Yjos is big, it's essential reading and should be shared around.

This time it's on the major talking point of the weekend, VAR (Video Assistant Referee).

Entitled Liverpool needs to grow up.

Yes they were on the wrong end of a howler, but:


Remember this at Old Trafford?

Sissoko penalty

Remember this in the UEFA Champions League Final against Liverpool?

Jan Vertonghen

Remember Jan Vertonghen being given offside in his own half after scoring?

Oliver Skipp

Remember Oliver Skipp being kicked studs showing in the face above shoulder height and no red card for the Liverpool player, Diogo Jota?

These things happen and they always will.

So what should we do, well read on and I'll tell you my take, which as ever, is 'bigger thinking' than journalists, fans and it seems Liverpool Football Club.

This isn't about fan frustration, this is about seizing a brilliant marketing opportunity and this translate to any company in the business world.

Tottenham Hotspur are in a unique position right now, one that could transform not only our club but the entire league, even football around the world. 

You see, while Liverpool may be locked in their own self-interest VAR battles, we have a golden chance to take the reins and lead the charge for change.

The leader of a cause can be remembered as much as the cause itself. Emily Pankhurst is a name everyone knows, associated with votes for women.

Tottenham have the chance to place themselves in that position.

A mistake was made and I'm sorry, but it's being approached in the wrong manner by a club only interested in themselves.

Liverpool's approach is missing the mark so let me tell you how how Spurs can step up to the plate.

Time for Tottenham to become pioneers of VAR reform, gain worldwide recognition, and leave a lasting legacy. It's time to move beyond frustration and into action. 

In short...

Liverpool's current approach to their VAR complaint may be missing the mark by focusing solely on individual grievances. In contrast, Spurs have a unique opportunity to lead a campaign for VAR reform that transcends self-interest and strives for improving the overall system, benefiting not only the club but the entire football community.

Liverpool's Missed Opportunity

  1. Recent VAR Grievances

  2. Liverpool has been (Saka vs Arsenal) and are at the center of recent and the current VAR controversy, with questionable decisions impacting their matches.

  3. These incidents have understandably sparked frustration among the club and its supporters.

  4. Self-Interest Over System Improvement

  5. In response to these VAR decisions, Liverpool's approach has largely revolved around self-interest. They are apparently exploring what they can do about Saturday.

  6. Nothing is the short answer.

  7. You can't reverse the decision or replay the game or anything else that invents rules for this situation, only change for the future.

  8. Do we all remember the handball given against Eric Dier when the ball was headed onto ark from a Newcastle player behind him! Even the then Newcastle manager Steve Bruce said it wasn't a penalty and it cost us 2 points.

  9. The rules were changed after that, immediately, in the dsame season giving everyone else an advantage over Spurs.

  10. Spurs lost points over an incident that nobody else could then lose points over in the same season.

  11. While seeking justice for perceived injustices is natural, this approach primarily serves the club's self-interest without addressing broader issues with the VAR system.

  12. Leveraging Global Brand

  13. Liverpool's brand is not just a local or national one; it's a global phenomenon.

  14. The club's worldwide reach and influence could be used as a powerful catalyst for VAR reform. By shifting the focus from individual grievances to a broader campaign aimed at improving VAR and officiating, Liverpool could position themselves as leaders in enhancing the game [1].

Liverpool has an opportunity to harness its global brand and become a force for positive change in football officiating. By moving beyond self-interest and advocating for VAR reform, they can leave a lasting legacy that benefits the entire football community.

A Call for Spurs to Step In

  1. Seizing the Opportunity

  2. In light of Liverpool's approach to this VAR complaints, Tottenham Hotspur finds itself in a unique position.

  3. While Liverpool's focus remains primarily on reversing individual decisions, Spurs have a golden opportunity to lead the charge for VAR reform. By doing so, they can rise above the controversy and shape the future of football officiating.

  1. The club would be positioned on the moral high ground and emit a positive brand image to the world, gaining the valuable media exposure and lasting legacy.

  2. Potential Benefits

  3. Taking the initiative in VAR reform can offer Spurs several significant additional advantages.

  4. Firstly, it allows the club to position itself as a forward-thinking and proactive entity within the football community.

  5. Spurs can become known for their commitment to improving the game, transcending the traditional role of a football club.

  6. Positive Global Image

  7. Tottenham's involvement in championing officiating improvements can project a positive global image.

  8. The club's influence extends far beyond the pitch, and by advocating for VAR reform, they can inspire fans worldwide. Such leadership can elevate Spurs' standing in international football circles and attract admiration for their commitment to the integrity of the game.

Tottenham Hotspur's decision to step into the VAR reform arena wouldn't just be about seizing an opportunity; it's about making a statement. By leading the way in enhancing football officiating, Spurs can leave an indelible mark on the sport and establish themselves as a beacon of positive change in the footballing world.

The potential commercial benefits of that through sponsorship by companies who want that authority by association would be immense.

The Power of Collaboration

  1. Collaboration Over Rivalry

  2. Instead of being locked in a bitter rivalry, Spurs and Liverpool have the unique opportunity to collaborate in a bid to improve the VAR system and football officiating as a whole.

  3. This shift from rivalry to cooperation could set a remarkable precedent in the footballing world.

  4. Lasting Changes and Positive Exposure

  5. Working together, these two prominent clubs can influence lasting changes in VAR implementation and officiating standards.

  6. By leveraging our combined influence, we can push for reforms that benefit all teams and fans alike. Such collaboration would not only elevate the integrity of the sport but also generate positive exposure for both clubs.

  7. Credibility and Impact

  8. The credibility of Liverpool and Spurs in the football community is undeniable. If these two giants join forces for the greater good of the sport, our impact becomes unprecedented.

  9. Our unified voice can spark a significant shift in the football landscape, reinforcing the idea that clubs can prioritize the game's integrity over individual interests.

In embracing collaboration over rivalry, Liverpool and Tottenham Hotspur can emerge as pioneers of positive change in football. Their joint efforts can lead to a more transparent, fair, and efficient officiating system, leaving a lasting legacy that benefits the entire footballing world.

The Vision for VAR Reform

  1. Transparency and Mic'd-up Officials

  2. One key aspect of VAR reform could be introducing transparency by allowing fans to hear conversations between on-field officials and the video assistant referee (VAR) just as happens very successfully in Rugby League.

  3. You could argue it's adds something to the game for the crowd, as they become part of the experience.

  4. Additionally, mic'd-up officials can explain their decisions using in-game audio, giving fans insight into the thought process behind decisions.

  5. At the moment everything is clouded in secrecy.

  6. If rugby players can play an emotional game keeping thrir emotions in check and respecting the officials as they do, then so can footballers.

  7. Training Officials

  8. We live in a world of technology where a referee and officials could be placed in a virtual reality world to make decisions.

  9. There are adverts on the TV about an eye surgeon being taught procedures in this way so surely there isn;t the need now to officiate for so many hours before you're experienced enough to move up a grade.

  10. This should be used during the season to help train elite officials but equally there needs to be a recruitment drive amongst current footballers to become referees when their playing days are over.

  11. Players would respect a former [player because they know what they are talking about, they have been there and done it.

  12. With virtual relity it should become easy to fast-track ex-pro's into refereeing and wouldn't it add to the whole spectacle surrounding the game and give the oficials a deeper respect?

  13. Enhancing the Game

  14. These reforms can enhance the game by increasing transparency and understanding of officiating decisions.

  15. Fans and players would have a clearer view of how decisions are reached, reducing frustration and controversy. This can lead to a more enjoyable and fair sporting experience.

  16. The involvement of former players, perhaps as trained VAR Assistants could add a unique element and marketing opportunity as well as another career path for former players who want to remain involved in the game.

  17. Minimizing Errors

  18. The implementation of VAR has shown promise in reducing critical errors in referees' decision-making, contributing to improved justice in football.

  19. By making the VAR process more transparent and allowing officials to explain their decisions, the potential for errors can be further minimized.

  20. Addressing Criticisms

  21. Critics may argue that these reforms could slow down the game or lead to contentious discussions.

  22. However, it's crucial to highlight that a brief delay for greater accuracy and fairness is a small price to pay and if the crowd are involved, do they even then see it as a delay?

  23. Moreover, mic'd-up officials can provide concise explanations to minimize disruptions.

My vision for VAR reform revolves around transparency, improved communication, advanced training, recruitment from footballers themselves and enhanced understanding of officiating decisions.

These changes can create a more just and enjoyable football experience while addressing potential challenges through efficient implementation.

The Importance of Seizing Opportunities

  1. Adversity as an Opportunity

  2. Adversity, such as controversial VAR decisions, presents a unique opportunity for growth and change in football, business or any walk of life.

  3. While challenges can be frustrating, they also serve as catalysts for positive reform that can be grasped by those with growth or success orientated mindsets.

  4. Ange Postecoglou's Insight

  5. Tottenham head coach Ange Postecoglou rightly pointed out (before the game) that VAR will never eradicate all mistakes from officiating.

  6. This statement underscores the inherent imperfection in the system and the need for continuous improvement.

  7. Against Arsenal last week there was that handball with the ball whacked at Romero from a yard, how was he supposed to get out of the way? Given against Spurs as a penalty.

  8. And the kicking of James Maddison on both legs against Sheffield United the week before, a sure-fire penalty not given by the VAR officials.

  9. There are too many grey areas so how can managers and players know what's going, how can they coach players if nobody knows which interpretation of a rule will be applied?

  10. Long-Term Impact

  11. Both Liverpool and Tottenham, as prominent clubs in the football world, have the potential to influence positive change.

  12. By seizing this moment, not just to demand Premier League and VAR reform but to begin a campaign for worldwide uniformity and upgrades, they can contribute to the long-term integrity and fairness of the sport, as well as promote our brands as a by-product..

Facing challenges head-on and working towards better officiating and VAR systems can lead to a more just and enjoyable football experience for fans, even perhaps adding to the spectacle.

It's essential for both clubs to consider the lasting impact of such an action and collaborate for the greater good of the sport.

Closing THBN Thoughts

The recent VAR controversy during the clash between Liverpool and Tottenham has ignited discussions about officiating in football. Liverpool's intent to explore all available options following the VAR controversy emphasizes the need for improvements in the system.

This controversy has led to the replacement of officials involved in the "significant" VAR error for upcoming fixtures, indicating the acknowledgment of mistakes, as does the statement, but does it help these officials.

The other side of the coin is if they were officiating, why were they not even watching the game...

Because they couldn't have been to not know what was actually going on.

In rugby union, the referee tells the VAR system what to check, gives his opinion, do football referees? Surely they should tell them of their decision and ask them to check, but clearly, they don't.

That's basic stuff and rather suggests thise running the show are perhaps not up to the job,

Liverpool's frustration over a goal wrongly disallowed for offside underscores the imperfections in the current officiating and VAR systems.

Tottenham, or Tottenham and Liverpool jointly should put out a statement with a proposal, send out a press release and begin discussions ob the topic.

Both clubs need to take the 'higher ground' and position themselves as a club or clubs trying to improve the game, do what is best for the game, not self-interest.

They are both missing a huge opportunity to use their brand name around the world to generate discussion and be leaders in improving the game.

The benefits of being known as the club that led the campaign to improve VAR would be enormous around the world.

Companies looking to sponsor would jump at having that association to promote and we all know more money equates to more trophies, I have given you the figures enough times to prove that.

Be the starters of a campaign to improve VAR officiating and get the roles better defined and back to the on-field referee, not VAR having control because let's face it, they do.

It needs total transparancy.

In adversity there are opportunities, the successful are the people who take advantage and act on these opportunities.

Tottenham have been presented with a golden one.