Midfield Not Good Enough
1 min read
As ever, I'll annoy a bunch by educating them.
You'll see three players for one man and no defensive midfielder in front of the central defenders, Skipp hasn't bothered to get there yet.
The penalty is the result of the midfield going missing, yet someone is trying to tell me Skipp was excellent.
A video of the Romero penalty was posted on social media complaining about Dier rushing out and blaming him.
I'll grant you his confidence is low, but those around him, particularly in midfield, are not doing their job and he is having to cover for them as well as doing his own job.
Let's look at that goal in more detail.
First Skipp takes himself out of the game when he shouldn't even be lunging in in the first place in that area of the field.
Skipp is in the foreground.
Hojbjerg should be in front of Dier and he is, but...
Kane and Son are both facing the opposition's goal, even though the ball is with the opposition behind them.
Skipp is out of the game and jogs slowly back.
Play develops.
You'll see three players for one man and no defensive midfielder in front of the central defenders, Skipp hasn't bothered to get there yet.
The players are not playing as a team, but a bunch of individuals doing their own thing leaving things to other people.
You do not leave a guy with acres of space in front of your back four with no defensive midfielder anywhere near him.
The ball is played forward, Dier rushes out but doesn't get near the ball, Davies has not anticipated and can't affect play, leaving Romero, who lunges to give away the penalty.
The penalty is the result of the midfield going missing, yet someone is trying to tell me Skipp was excellent.
As Gary Neville said, neither he nor Hojbjerg are good enough for this level.
That goal was an example.