Big Vision (Club) vs Little Vision (fans)
3 min read
An entrepreneur thinks differently than the ordinary fan in the street.
Take me, I have a vision.
That vision involves giving hundreds of millions to charitable causes involving dogs, training guide dogs, training community welfare dogs, working with organizations on dog welfare like the RSPCA in the UK, diabetic dogs etc.
For the fan in the street that dream would be just a dream, they do nothing about it because the challenge is too big for them.
I, however, work out how it can be achieved, starting with nothing.
That then, becomes my plan, not just my vision, everything I therefore do is working toward the culmination of that plan, that vision.
There are milestones along the way.
There are elements that will fail.
There are elements that will set me back.
But I know, where I'm going thus adjustments get made that all work toward that long-term objective.
Daniel Levy has a long-term objective for Spurs.
As stated, to rival Real Madrid and Barcelona, both off the field and on the field.
That is ALL the chairman and board measure against.
EVERYTHING being done is with that aim in mind.
They are on a journey.
A fan is not on a journey.
A fan looks season to season to win a trophy.
That is their vision.
They assume a club has their vision, it doesn't and never will, as there is a bigger picture.
Now that is not to say that the club do not want to win trophies every season, indeed they do, BUT the club has to be financially in the position to be able to do that, currently WITHOUT circumventing the Financial Fair Play rules as other Arab owners have done.
You can tell from their pieces that the mental limitations of our journalists can't see and understand the difference between a club journey to a vision and a mere fan's vision.
Journalists are only fans, employees who lack the balls to achieve anything bigger.
Will my vision succeed?
Well yes, over time, with perseverance, with setbacks but always driving towards that distant vision.
The same with Spurs.
Now, if I wish to generate hundreds of millions in the long term, I do not chase money now.
You see, everything has to be geared towards the end goal, to putting everything in place to be able to generate it.
It takes a marketing plan, it takes many plans for various aspects.
What I can't afford to happen, is to chase money now because that merely deflects from the eventual goal.
That takes me down a different path.
That has me driving down the wrong country lane and taking my energies and focus away from the main road I need to be on.
It takes me a wrong route that has a financial ceiling.
I'm suddenly going after a different goal, the wrong goal, a personal goal for money rather than a goal to give hundreds of millions to charity.
Daniel Levy and the board are chasing my goal, fans are chasing their own personal financial wealth goal.
Do you see what I'm saying?
Daniel Levy is driving down a main road, fans want him to turn off to have a pint in the pub at the end of a country lane.
That country lane doesn't get the club to where it wants to be, yet every fan, every fan, would welcome Spurs being where Spurs (Daniel Levy, ENIC and the board) want it to be.
Fans are still chasing a trophy, not chasing the bigger picture that brings an abundance of trophies.
Fans want to settle for less, an entrepreneur, a winning mentality, doesn't settle for less.
A mere 612 words, but important words.
Your further reading pleasure:
Daniel Levy and ENIC are driving don the main road to the 20 pubs, going for the one pub is a dead end.
You still fail to see the point that you make the money to be able to sustain success, not just achieve it, the two are different, as is building to win 15 trophies, not 1, as Leicester prove.