I googled "Player Motivation'
10 min read
I googled "Player Motivation'
I googled "Player Motivation'.How can I improve motivation?
- Increase motivation by simplifying. By creatively planning your life, it allows you to simplify. ...
- Focus on your accomplishments. ...
- Set measurable goals. ...
- Shift your motivation from getting to giving. ...
- Create and repeat a new positive habit. ...
- Increased gratitude boosts motivation. ...
- Increase your energy to increase motivation.
That was one of the questions that came up.
Now think Spurs players against each one of those.
Plan your life
Well an agent maps out a players future, obviously in conjunction with the player, as does a manager.
A manager has to show the agent and player that they have a development plan for him, or today, her.
What about the player though?
Does he just go along with what others have mapped out for him?
Does he down tools when everything isn't going his way and blame others?
We certainly see that at Spurs.
That tells you they have the wrong mentality.
That tells you they are fair weather players, only any use when things are going right.
Players not to be trusted when things get tough or when the pressure of a high profile game kicks in.
They'll bottle it.
Spurs players bottle it but they don't like being told do they...
They don't like being treated as any other normal employee would be treated.
Because they are rich and don't have to do what anyone else says...
Unless they want to.
They are 'entitled' to a place by virtue of their salary and being an international.
These self indulgent pricks need a kick up the backside...
But then that's what Mourinho has basically been doing...
And instead of acting like a winner and knuckling down...
They take umbrage and cry like the immature babies they are.
Sorry, didn't intend the first point to carry on so long, got carried away.
Focus on your accomplishments
OK, focus on negative thoughts, emotions, you'll get nowhere...
In fact, you'll go backwards...
Possibly at an alarming rate.
The trouble then is to dig yourself out of that hole...
And if you haven't been trained mentally to do that, you're in big trouble.
If you focus on the positive...
If you focus on what you did well and how you felt at the time...
Then you can use that to boost your performance.
If you can bring the positive emotions of your previous achievements...
However small...
into the present situation...
Then you are geared up for the best chance of success.
What you tell the brain, the brain perceives as real.
The more emotion you attach to it the realer (if that's a word) it gets.
So a footballer who can recall positive emotions before and during a game is going to be a better player than the footballer who can't.
To achieve that state, a player needs a psychologist to teach him the skills.
You can go real small here.
A specific piece of defending you did well.
Collect all those pieces together in your mind...
Watch replays of them if you like to help associate the feelings with the actions.
Each day, sit down and mentally run through you playing a game to that standard...
But more importantly, do it on match day...
Do it before a game.
You'll go out with all the right mental energy...
You'll go out super confident...
And super confident brings better performance.
Each positive action within the game will maintain and boost the performance fuel that is confidence.
Don't do this and you run the risk of negative thoughts coming into your head when you are under pressure.
You'll rush...
Make rash decisions...
You'll panic...
You'll make mistakes.
You will be fighting yourself to have a good game...
As well as the opposition.
We are talking elite level sportsmen here...
Not Sunday morning athletes.
These guys should be doing everything to improve their game.
Are they?
If it was good enough for Pele...
If it was good enough for Didier Drogba...
If it was good enough for Glenn Hoddle...
Then isn't it good enough for this bunch of malingerers we have playing for us now...
With a few obvious exceptions.
This isn't rocket science guys...
This is basics.
Get help from a psychologist and it becomes even easier.
Set measurable goals
Now this is setting goals for yourself...
Not the team.
You can't control what the team does...
That is out of your hands.
You control what you have control of, yourself.
99%, I'd guess, of the population do not set goals.
I'm not talking about the wishful thinking new year goals you give up after a couple of weeks.
They aren't goals, they are just wishful thoughts quite frankly.
No, we are talking set life goals or career goals...
Goals that you then map out how you are going to achieve.
Plenty of people can do that part.
What they then don't do...
What they are then not prepared to do...
Is whatever it takes.
If it is too difficult...
Too much trouble...
Interferes with your socialising for instance...
Or your watching the telly...
Then they quit.
You'll never improve your lot with that attitude.
Unfortunately, that is also the attitude some players at Spurs have.
They would rather run away, than stay and fight.
A player should be improving every aspect of his game...
Every aspect should have a map.
Harry Kane has all his maps.
Does Dele Alli?
Does Harry Winks?
Does Davinson Sanchez?
Clearly not.
Some players, it seems, will only play on their terms...
A totally unacceptable position.
Shift your motivation from getting to giving
Boy we are on dangerous ground here so I'm not going to pussy foot around.
I'll be blunt...
And I'll upset some of you...
Because you ain't gonna like what you hear...
A few home truths.
If you don't say thank you or raise a hand in thanks when someone or a motorist waits for you...
Then you're selfish.
If you don't turn your lights on in the rain or when it's dull...
You're selfish.
If you refuse to wear a mask...
You're selfish.
If you refuse a Covid-19 jab...
You're selfish.
If you cry about your human rights when people's health is what really matters...
You're selfish.
If a football player will only play (to his best) on his terms...
He is selfish.
The team is what counts, not an individual.
If you only support, not follow, Spurs on your terms...
You're selfiah.
We live in a society today of selfish entitled people, like that fraud Megan Markle, who has been proven to be lying through her teeth in her 'entitled victim' performance on Oprah Winfrey.
I best get off that subject, it annoys me too much.
The young footballers of today are entitled and selfish as a result of society.
They will only give, if they are getting something back...
Now to be fair it doesn't apply to all...
And they can grow out of it as they mature...
But we are dealing with immature, rich, spoilt, entitled, selfish, cocooned kids a lot of the time.
How many can you identify at Tottenham?
The trouble with people today is if they give...
They want instant return.
That isn't how the law of reciprocation works.
Good will come to you if you do good for others.
In team sport, if you do what is best for the group...
Your individual rewards will come...
Like Harry Kane and Son Heung-min...
Or indeed the plaudits Pierre-Emile Højbjerg was getting last season.
You selfish, 'what's in it for me people' suck.
OK, so you want the technical bit.
Well, the brain is more creative when it is seeking to give.
It's like the brain is in a happy place and wants to spread happiness.
An open brain seeking to give will see the opportunities a closed brain won't
Hence a player needs to be happy and in tune with the manager and his requirements...
Confident in his own ability...
In control of his emotions...
And the sky is the limit for him.
Which players at Spurs are reaching for the stars...
And which are shouting me me me me me?
Oh, by the way, happy releases the happy endorphins...
Which stimulate happy...
And round we go again.
Not accessible to the me me me me me crowd.
This was written in April but is extremely relevant now with our fickle agenda driven sector of fans who only see the negative.
A fundamental of coaching is motivation.
A coach who leaves motivation entirely to the player is a bad coach.
I'll repeat...
It is the job of the coach to properly understand what internally motivates (intrinsic) an individual...
And an individual usually doesn't actually know what motivates them...
They think they do but usually that is not their real motivation.
I have said before, the job of a psychologist is to find out what truly motivates the individual...
That needs to be passed on to the head coach...
But we are not even bothering to find that out.
We can not just assume what will motivate (extrinsic), clearly it isn't motivating some...
Performances prove that.
If we are only providing temporary motivation...
Then the individual will only be motivated when things are going well.
There was a point in the second half vs Arsenal when Ndombele made a run...
But Sanchez was too slow mentally to see the pass and passed wide to Emerson...
Who passed inside to Skipp and off the ball went to the other side.
Ndombele slumped his shoulders...
You could see his body language.
No motivation in that body language.
Extrinsic is not the way to motivate, instrinsic is.
You can not tell someone why they should be motivated...
You can not use your goal to motivate someone else...
It has to be their goal.
Only working towards their goal will motivate them.
How can you relate what you want to achieve to their goal...
If you don't know what it is.
I would like to see a reporter ask Nuno at a press conference...
Not the usual garbage questions, but...
What motivates Tanguy Ndombele.
What motivates Dele Alli etc etc.
I would be fascinated by the answers and they would be very revealing.
Positive Emotions
Positive Relationships
Ask yourself how he fits into each of those.
Ask yourself how you fit into those as a fan.
If you understand what 'drives' each person...
Then you know what to tap into to help them make sustained changes...
With the positive knock-on effect for the team.
A motivational talk is simply a temporary lift that soon disappears.
Internal 'intrinsic' motivation is essential.
As a club, as a coach, tapping into that should be an absolute priority.
You are not going to change someone who doesn't want to change...
Not a player...
Not an anti-Levy fan...
That's the last thing they want.
You have to make small steps into their motivation...
If they can see doing something works towards their motivation...
Then they'll do it.
Otherwise they won't.
You can have a team goal...
Like winning a trophy...
But then you have to show each individual how that goal relates to their personal motivation.
You have to achieve their aims and they will help you achieve the team aims.
Nuno needs to build a vision for each player...
Not a club vision...
But an individual vision for each of them...
Their vision and work out how they all meet...
Each then has a plan to work towards to stay motivated.
It seems to me very little work is done on this side.
If it were being done a manager wouldn't lose the dressing room.
A head coach needs to be doing this with the help of a psychologist.
He needs to show each individual what they are doing and how it is incompatible with their own goals.
The player must see that and determine what they need to do to achieve their aims...
And how they can achieve that in a team environment.
You must spark their motivation and keep feeding it for prolonged self-motivation.
Otherwise you'll have inconsistent performances, poor performances.
Is that what we are seeing?
Well there is the answer, I have given it to you.
We have a squad with their own aims...
And I question how motivated they are.
A third of this squad are holding us back.
They have the wrong mentality...
And we are doing nothing to change it.
Well that's it for this morning's offering folks.
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