Happy or Unhappy Spurs Supporter?
6 min read
Happy or Unhappy Spurs Supporter?
It is Thursday today, I'm off out this morning.
You'll find me at one of the many coastal resorts we have on the east coast of Kent, indeed I might be visiting a couple this morning.
Tottenham Tittle Tattle today (Thursday in case you've forgotten already before the coffee has kicked in) was written yesterday, Wednesday but the news will not have overtaken this post.
But first your culinary advice.
This lamb mince is going on and on, is there no end to what comes out of a slow cooker?
Potatoes to mash up on the plate, mix with the mince (ignore your Mum telling you not to play with your food kids) and it soaks up all that lovely juice.
But how about some pasta, cook that and mix it in, place the lamb mince in a dish, cover with mashed potato (not instant), cook, then slice up some cheese to top the mash and melt under the grill.
Your kids will give you the thumbs up and you are stuffing the vegetables down them in the mince.
You could even make a lasagna type meal without the sauce, that works too, great with melted cheese on top too.
Right cooking school is over for another day.
Flowers are cheap at Lidl at the moment gents, £1.79 or £2.50 but don't forget to take the price tag off before you give them to her.
Got to be worth it every two weeks to keep her happy hasn't it fellas, especially when she has cooked you all this lamb mince.
Right before I go into the garden to water the plants. top up the pond for the frogs and feed the birds, I'd better write something about football.
Tweets of the Day.
Having just seen a tweet I wanted to mention, I was about to start when, as you new readers will discover, the article has morphed into something else.
Grab your cuppa and get steady yourself for a dose of profoundness. No luv it doesn't mean swearing, it means... oh never mind, just read on, you'll pick it up.
Potatoes to mash up on the plate, mix with the mince (ignore your Mum telling you not to play with your food kids) and it soaks up all that lovely juice.
But how about some pasta, cook that and mix it in, place the lamb mince in a dish, cover with mashed potato (not instant), cook, then slice up some cheese to top the mash and melt under the grill.
Your kids will give you the thumbs up and you are stuffing the vegetables down them in the mince.
You could even make a lasagna type meal without the sauce, that works too, great with melted cheese on top too.
Right cooking school is over for another day.
Flowers are cheap at Lidl at the moment gents, £1.79 or £2.50 but don't forget to take the price tag off before you give them to her.
Got to be worth it every two weeks to keep her happy hasn't it fellas, especially when she has cooked you all this lamb mince.
Right before I go into the garden to water the plants. top up the pond for the frogs and feed the birds, I'd better write something about football.
Tweets of the Day.
Having just seen a tweet I wanted to mention, I was about to start when, as you new readers will discover, the article has morphed into something else.
Grab your cuppa and get steady yourself for a dose of profoundness. No luv it doesn't mean swearing, it means... oh never mind, just read on, you'll pick it up.
Tweets of the Day
Yes folks we were going to have several Tweets of the Day and I was going to talk about them, but another thought hit me and it's off down that trail that we run on our virtual exercise this morning, well you need some exercise don't you.
And talking of exercise I'd thought I'd tone up a bit, start with 5 push ups and 5 sit ups a day, work from there.
So starting with the push ups, I did one.
One's a good number isn't it.
I mean, I don't want to overdo it, yeah, we'll start at one, build from there.
Positive intent.
Now, let me ask you, do you base your life on misery or happiness?
Yes I know marriage can be either.
Think about it though.
If you are moaning all the time then you have a miserable outlook, you are not a happy person.
You only moan when you are unhappy so the more you moan, the unhappier you are and the unhappier you become.
Conversely, someone with a happy outlook on life moans a lot less, they look for the positives and build on them to stay positive.
A positive Spurs supporter can see...
we bought 5 new players in the last year...
invested £184m on the playing staff in the last financial year...
that we sit top of the table on form since lockdown...
that we sit 4th overall since Mourinho's arrival...
that we are now getting to grips with the system and so improving...
that we are 5 points off 5th and could finish 6th
A negative Spurs supporters sees none of that even though they are watching the same games.
They choose not to see it because it doesn't fit with their unhappiness, their negativity, their moaning, their anti approach to being a supporter.
No they say Daniel Levy hasn't invested (remember the window isn't open yet, it was only open for a day for transfers that had been pre-agreed).
If you have scotomas you have selective vision, that's what these guys are suffering from.
What these people are actually saying is, I am unhappy so I want you to be unhappy too.
Whereas we are all happy outlook people, we tell them we don't want to be an unhappy person and ask them to have a happy outlook so they enjoy the sunny life we enjoy.
But they don't want a happy, sunny life so they try once more to drag you down to their unhappy level and be miserable like them.
Eventually because they can't make you miserable they give up or when you appreciate they don't want their live improved and to be happy, you give up.
You can why successful people avoid these people, they are not conducive to growth, to success.
This is the two-sided coin of being a supporter.
We enjoy life folk will continue to look for the positives, will look at negatives with understanding, will seek context and background understanding, will seek to appreciate what was being attempted and more importantly why it was attempted and why it failed.
We seek answers to understand why something failed, to formulate our opinion, to accept a negative and look towards the next positive.
Those with their unhappy disposition towards Spurs don't seek answers as then they would have nothing to moan about.
They simply want everything done their way, but would still complain if it was and suggest it should never have been done that way.
That is inherent in that type of person.
The negative seek the negative in any situation to try to justify their opinion, despite all the evidence that shows otherwise.
The unhappy moaner, although he won't admit it, wants to be unhappy. it is their default condition.
Our default is happy, positive.
As explained in previous articles, teams with more money than Spurs have won 88.88% of all domestic trophies, yet despite the club doing a brilliant job in trying to change that dynamic with all the obvious benefits it brings, the unhappy outlook only looks to complains.
They don't look to understand what is trying to be achieved, regular, long-term success, that we know takes the financial income they don't seem to want us to build.
I'm with you guys, it defies logic.
It says I don't understand how money is generated.
What do you say to your teenagers, money doesn't grow on trees. I bet you have all said it, but to the unhappy crowd, it does.
Can you get through to a teenager about the real world, about reality, no.
Neither can you to the unhappy supporter and we have all tried haven't we.
Eventually when they mature, they'll understand and you just have to wait for them to mature don't you.
Well, while you are waiting I'm off for an ice cream.
PS - I immediately went on Twitter after finishing this and in my inbox was exactly what I was talking about, someone who can only whinge and moan to suit their agenda, someone who demonstrates they lack understanding and every tweet is negative.
I wouldn't bother with the podcast, it'll be more of the same negativity, the website is plus the information in it is wrong.
If you don't want unhappy people on your timeline, avoid: World of Hotspur @WorldofHotspur
For your advice I have blocked him.
And talking of exercise I'd thought I'd tone up a bit, start with 5 push ups and 5 sit ups a day, work from there.
So starting with the push ups, I did one.
One's a good number isn't it.
I mean, I don't want to overdo it, yeah, we'll start at one, build from there.
Positive intent.
Now, let me ask you, do you base your life on misery or happiness?
Yes I know marriage can be either.
Think about it though.
If you are moaning all the time then you have a miserable outlook, you are not a happy person.
You only moan when you are unhappy so the more you moan, the unhappier you are and the unhappier you become.
Conversely, someone with a happy outlook on life moans a lot less, they look for the positives and build on them to stay positive.
A positive Spurs supporter can see...
we bought 5 new players in the last year...
invested £184m on the playing staff in the last financial year...
that we sit top of the table on form since lockdown...
that we sit 4th overall since Mourinho's arrival...
that we are now getting to grips with the system and so improving...
that we are 5 points off 5th and could finish 6th
A negative Spurs supporters sees none of that even though they are watching the same games.
They choose not to see it because it doesn't fit with their unhappiness, their negativity, their moaning, their anti approach to being a supporter.
No they say Daniel Levy hasn't invested (remember the window isn't open yet, it was only open for a day for transfers that had been pre-agreed).
If you have scotomas you have selective vision, that's what these guys are suffering from.
What these people are actually saying is, I am unhappy so I want you to be unhappy too.
Whereas we are all happy outlook people, we tell them we don't want to be an unhappy person and ask them to have a happy outlook so they enjoy the sunny life we enjoy.
But they don't want a happy, sunny life so they try once more to drag you down to their unhappy level and be miserable like them.
Eventually because they can't make you miserable they give up or when you appreciate they don't want their live improved and to be happy, you give up.
You can why successful people avoid these people, they are not conducive to growth, to success.
This is the two-sided coin of being a supporter.
We enjoy life folk will continue to look for the positives, will look at negatives with understanding, will seek context and background understanding, will seek to appreciate what was being attempted and more importantly why it was attempted and why it failed.
We seek answers to understand why something failed, to formulate our opinion, to accept a negative and look towards the next positive.
Those with their unhappy disposition towards Spurs don't seek answers as then they would have nothing to moan about.
They simply want everything done their way, but would still complain if it was and suggest it should never have been done that way.
That is inherent in that type of person.
The negative seek the negative in any situation to try to justify their opinion, despite all the evidence that shows otherwise.
The unhappy moaner, although he won't admit it, wants to be unhappy. it is their default condition.
Our default is happy, positive.
As explained in previous articles, teams with more money than Spurs have won 88.88% of all domestic trophies, yet despite the club doing a brilliant job in trying to change that dynamic with all the obvious benefits it brings, the unhappy outlook only looks to complains.
They don't look to understand what is trying to be achieved, regular, long-term success, that we know takes the financial income they don't seem to want us to build.
I'm with you guys, it defies logic.
It says I don't understand how money is generated.
What do you say to your teenagers, money doesn't grow on trees. I bet you have all said it, but to the unhappy crowd, it does.
Can you get through to a teenager about the real world, about reality, no.
Neither can you to the unhappy supporter and we have all tried haven't we.
Eventually when they mature, they'll understand and you just have to wait for them to mature don't you.
Well, while you are waiting I'm off for an ice cream.
PS - I immediately went on Twitter after finishing this and in my inbox was exactly what I was talking about, someone who can only whinge and moan to suit their agenda, someone who demonstrates they lack understanding and every tweet is negative.
I wouldn't bother with the podcast, it'll be more of the same negativity, the website is plus the information in it is wrong.
If you don't want unhappy people on your timeline, avoid: World of Hotspur @WorldofHotspur
For your advice I have blocked him.
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