Spurs Are No Longer Standing At The Bottom Of The Stairs

Spurs Are No Longer Standing At The Bottom Of The Stairs

Today a post written on 13th December in 2018 but never published.

I won't update it but leave it as it is.

No doubt a few of you will ignore the pandemic and an empty stadium delaying plans.

Given the angst of our followers right now it seems rather appropriate to publish it.

"I also want to say that Daniel Levy should be so happy. I want to congratulate him. He's putting in a massive effort, trying to deliver and finish the stadium. Sometimes it's easy to get the praise, the coaching staff, the players and the fans but I think he, and all the board, deserve massive congratulations because they're putting in a massive effort, building what is for me one of the best stadiums in the world. I think I want to congratulate him and this achievement, he is a big part of it and he deserves massive recognition for that."

Those were the words of Mauricio Pochettino, not someone at odds with the Chairman, like so many of our idiotic supporters, but someone at one with him, someone who understands the demands, the problems of running a multi-million-pound major organisation.

All fans see is a fantasy ideal world where problems don't exist and simply paying more money is the answer to everything, even if the club don't have that money. Where a statement that the stadium will not affect transfers is assumed to mean the club still has an additional £150 million to spend. Lunacy.

Transfer money comes from transfer sales plus an additional amount, taking into account the annual transfer payments and receipts balance. Throw in the doubling of the cost of the stadium and the scene has changed somewhat. Throw in Pochettino only wants specific players and club not being willing to sell those players plus the fact we have no squad places available, then others not being willing to buy and signing nobody becomes understandable.

As I have written before, knowing the why and understanding the why of anything determines whether you are a fantasy supporter always moaning (failure mentality) or a supporter who understands the situation and remains positive (success mentality).

Success come from a positive environment and if fans TRUELY wanted success then they would help create the environment for success and that means NOT constantly moaning about the chairman who has taken us to third in the Premier League, is delivering a new stadium that will eventually bring in the revenue through commercial sources that will enable us to compete on equal financial footings with our rivals.

That then affords us the opportunity to win trophies regularly, which is the aim. Supporters need to get onto that page and not the 'one trophy' mentality, thinking which would simply hold us back.

Ask Bill Nicholson, ask Danny Blanchflower, you aim for the stars, not the tree tops.

It is hard to be patient, when we have been patient for so long, but the club is in a new era. We have searched for years for a manager who could coach, a manager who could actually improve players and a manager who could develop youth.

We have had to go through a lot of managers to find the special one who could and given him the once in a lifetime opportunity to build a club and take it to the top table. That isn't an opportunity he is going to get anywhere else in this age where clubs have to be self-sustainable and not sugar daddy funded.

The whole club needed to change its mentality, the supporters needed to change their mentality. Winning is mental, winning is belief, you can't go out and do it without those qualities being TOTALLY instilled, without TOTALLY believing success is possible.

That belief doesn't come with the turning of a switch and it is only tested when you are in the situation of intense pressure, like a semi-final or a final ora vital Premier League game. The players have had to experience it, they have had to taste failure, which sows seeds of doubt and overcome that with mental strength.

Just like the image, believing in success is a leap of faith, there is no support, there is no manual, you have to build your own mental belief and build upon it. Fans must do the same, some have, some haven't.

There are more steps to take, more mental steps to build, one game doesn't fix all, but we are no longer standing at the bottom of the stairs looking up, we have taken a few steps up now and we know now we can climb the rest.

Well that's it for this morning's offering folks.

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