Another summer of Batshuayi?
1 min read
West Ham United have started everyone laughing with news thet are chasing Michy Batshuayi. having been in a squad that has won the Premier League and at a club with the UEFA Champions League football he was looking for, why would he take a step down to possibly battle against relegation, a situation West ham successfully fought their way out of this season?
From his point of view West Ham offers nothing he can't get elsewhere. Chelsea are said to be happy to listen to offers for the 23-year-old (24 in October) Belgian international, he has 9 full caps and 3 goals.
We, of course, tried to buy him last summer and Chelsea came in late to just throw money at Marseille, who needed it at the time. he has struggled to get game time at Chelsea, playing only 207 minutes of Premier League football across 19 games, scoring 3 goals, a goal every 69 minutes.
There seems to be two trains of thought over him, one that he is going to replace Diego Costa next season, which seems unlikely and secondly, thathe will be sold. You would have thought Chelsea would splash the cash to replace Costa rather than relying on the unproven Batshuayi.
Should Chelsea tell him he can leave he won't be short of suitors and Champions League football will be just one the criteria any team will have to meet, quite apart from the wages he is now on.
It is a fact of life that you have littkle to offer players, that isn't being mean, it's just a fact. Clubs can go to Germany or Italy and get a greater chance of European football, money is the wrong motivator.
Clearly born without an embarrassment gene.
Clive, only one Anon please!
I'm all for supporting a club, but blocking out reality to do it in the manner they have and as you have previously speaks volumes.
We have been where you are, we know what it is like, we know players see certain clubs only as a stepping stone. We have been there and come out the other side. West ham have a lot of growing to do but it won't happen with a suspension of reality.
I have had email dealings with West Ham and they mist certainly didn't come out of it smelting of roses, they would only give answers verbally that they could deny later, they refused to put them in writing and be accountable.
A once excellent club who played lovely football has been dragged down to the gutter by the present muck running it.
And, let's be fair, if you supported the iron (hoofs) would you want anyone to know about it.
I say welcome them for as long as they have the desire to show up.
And now the stories start just like they did last year, linking Wissdamn with totally unrealistic signings just so that the two Daves and the Dame can get some season tickets sold to deluded idiots who dream of seeing a decent player in their shit shirt.
Janssen's come and had opportunities to show what he can do. He hasn't taken all of them but he's had the opportunities. What's happened to poor Michy though? Barely an outing.