Sours tracking Portuguese midfielder
1 min read
Tottenham Hotspur have been tracking Peterborough United central midfielder Leo Da Silva Lopes for well over a year now.
Last season the Peterborough chairman Darragh MacAnthony revealed that Tottenham were watching one of their young players but wouldn't reveal who it was. Then this summer Barry Fry said Tottenham, Chelsea and Arsenal were all watching the 17-year-old (18 in November) Portuguese footballer.
“The word is out that Leo is a very talented 17 year-old and clubs have been flocking to watch him. We have had no enquiries, never mind bids, but there have been an awful lot of scouts coming to our games just to watch him. Chelsea, Arsenal and Spurs are among those to have sent scouts to watch him.”
We continue to track him and The Sun report that we had a scout watching him on Saturday along with Arsenal, Liverpool and Southampton, which doesn't surprise the Peterborough manager Grant McCann
"There have been many clubs watching him and I'm not surprised as he is a real talent. He's strong, athletic and he carries the ball very well."
The media are suggesting that Peterborough are resigned to losing him in January, we'll wait and see. It is claimed Spurs are favourites which really means nothing.
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