Further Stadium Shots and Picture Request
1 min read
This blog is read in 197 countries, has been read by millions and will continue to be read by 100,000's each month. For their benefit of your fellow Spurs fans around the world, I'd like to ask my readers who do attend White Hart Lane to take some shots inside and outside the ground each time they visit and email them to me at THBlogNews at gmail dot com.
I can then spread them to a wider audience who can then see a wider range of pictures of a supporters experience attending games at White Hart Lane. Please indicate whether you would like your name accredited to your pictures, excellent if you are a budding photographer to show what you can do.

Tatfish59 over at Skyscraper City has obviously found himself a goodun. He has posted a couple of pictures of the wedding cake his wife has 'constructed' in the stadium construction thread. On behalf of myself and my readers may I wish you both a very long, happy and trophy-laden marriage.

View from #WHL NW Staircase to the new stadium construction site.


View at the Lane not what it once was

@NewSpursStadium view from North Stand Upper today
@SpursOfficial it's a bit windy!

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