Mason - logic or emotion, which are you?
1 min read
Ryan Mason is wanted by Bournemouth, Stoke City, and Hull City, to name but three and none of them are likely to pay the £8-million it gas been claimed in the press that Tottenham are asking for him.
We have seen proposed bids of £2-million, £4-illion, and £6-million although none have been officially made. That is quite normal, clubs will talk to the 24-year-old (25 tomorrow) agent and get an idea of the wages he would want and the type of fee that Tottenham would require to let him go.
I personally don't think he will be going anywhere and the interview he recently made backed that view up, he was looking forward to next season at Tottenham. A club needs squad players, especially squad players proven i the Premier League. So he had an injury hit poor season, he has shown before he can usually be relied upon and we may need his desire next season when we give players a rest for UEFA Champions League games.
The emotional fans want him gone, the logical fans can see him staying, which are you?