No hands, no legs, he's training with Spurs before Saints game
1 min read
A heart warming story in these troubled times. Tottenham Hotspur has asked brave little Marshall Jansen, aged 8, who has lost both his hands and legs, to come and train with the club.
After suffering meningitis Marshall lost both hands and both legs and was simply too embarrassed to play football with his friends. To suffer so at just 8-years-old is traumatic for him and his family. Emotionally and mentally they have huge barriers to overcome and it is wonderful to see the club play a tiny part in boosting the youngsters morale and self-esteem.
Marchall, from Perenporth, contracted meningitis only days after being born and was then described by a doctor as the sickest child he had ever many a youngster, and adults for that matter, he is sports mad and a proud Spurs fan. The club has invited him to White Hart Lane to meet his heroes and train with them before the Southampton game on Sunday.
We have all been youngsters once and remember the awe in which we held our heroes. Having worked with those less fortunate than most and those with mental barriers, moments and gestures like this warm my heart. They bring a tear to the eye too.
Read the full story, at (link below) see more pictures, hear what his Mum has to say and Marshall himself - Marshall Jansen
After suffering meningitis Marshall lost both hands and both legs and was simply too embarrassed to play football with his friends. To suffer so at just 8-years-old is traumatic for him and his family. Emotionally and mentally they have huge barriers to overcome and it is wonderful to see the club play a tiny part in boosting the youngsters morale and self-esteem.
Marchall, from Perenporth, contracted meningitis only days after being born and was then described by a doctor as the sickest child he had ever many a youngster, and adults for that matter, he is sports mad and a proud Spurs fan. The club has invited him to White Hart Lane to meet his heroes and train with them before the Southampton game on Sunday.
We have all been youngsters once and remember the awe in which we held our heroes. Having worked with those less fortunate than most and those with mental barriers, moments and gestures like this warm my heart. They bring a tear to the eye too.
Read the full story, at (link below) see more pictures, hear what his Mum has to say and Marshall himself - Marshall Jansen
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