How does a scout go about scouting?
2 min read
How does a scout go about scouting?
An Arsenal scout, who started scouting full-time in the USA by the time he was 24 and is now in the UK, Danny Karbassiyoon, has written a book on the subject. he has been interviewed by Top Drawer Soccer about it.
He explains when Arsenal took him on what he had to do initially. It gives us an insight and an idea of how our scouts must operate.
Paul Mitchell has rebuilt our scouting network and appointed scouts like those in France and Spain where previously we were relying on agencies it seems. The article gives us just a little look behind the scenes of what goes on. There are in fact coaching course you can go on if you want to become a scout and you may well bump into an ex-professional on one the courses too.
Having revamped our scouting system we are perhaps ahead of Manchester United in that department, word is they are planning to overhaul their scouting system and appoint 40 new scouts. They previously approached our own Head of Player Recruitment Rob Mackenzie, but he turned them down.
An Arsenal scout, who started scouting full-time in the USA by the time he was 24 and is now in the UK, Danny Karbassiyoon, has written a book on the subject. he has been interviewed by Top Drawer Soccer about it.
He explains when Arsenal took him on what he had to do initially. It gives us an insight and an idea of how our scouts must operate.
“Initially at the time I flew back over the London and did kind of like a two or three week course of just following all of the Arsenal scouts around London and England, the chief scout at Premiership games, cup games, youth level, everything. Just learning how to watch the game as a scout, learning how to write reports the way Arsenal wanted us to write reports.
“It was interesting. I had to build a giant network in the States of guys that I trusted, contacts that I trusted in all nooks and crannies. As a scout, it’s very important to kind of rely on that network. You can only be in one place at one time anyway, but you can’t really afford to fly all over the country wasting your time every single weekend. I learned how to watch the game in a very new way at that time."
Paul Mitchell has rebuilt our scouting network and appointed scouts like those in France and Spain where previously we were relying on agencies it seems. The article gives us just a little look behind the scenes of what goes on. There are in fact coaching course you can go on if you want to become a scout and you may well bump into an ex-professional on one the courses too.
Having revamped our scouting system we are perhaps ahead of Manchester United in that department, word is they are planning to overhaul their scouting system and appoint 40 new scouts. They previously approached our own Head of Player Recruitment Rob Mackenzie, but he turned them down.
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