Fiorentina want to replicate Tottenham
2 min read
Th executive chairman of Fiorentin,a Mario Cognigni, has talked about the club growing and what he had to say sounded much like a statement at Tottenham might have sounded.
"We want to grow further. We are looking for young talent at an international level, having more contact and observatories around the world, improving our scouting, our network of relationships with agents and clubs. "
Tottenham have certainly been improving the scouting network at the club, hardly surprising considering it was almost non-existent and relying on scouting agencies. Paul Mitchell has begun the process of building a scouting network, we now have scouts in France and Iberia for instance and that will no doubt continue.
"We are looking for young, talented and ready players with a single common denominator: the desire to succeed, for revenge or for confirmation in the purple shirt its value. People who have hunger, personality, character. that is ambitious and wants to win here, not only put on display. Our youth sector will be strengthened and we will closely monitor who will go on loan to assess progress or rebirths. All this requires a structure with well-defined roles."
That sounds exactly like the player we are after. He talks there about character and the right mentality of player, someone who wants to win, not just put on displays. There is a huge difference being satisfied if you have played well and playing with the motivation to constantly improve yourself in the pursuit of trophies. The talk of improving the youth set-up at the club is also familiar to Spurs fans.
Cognigni then went on to apologise for the recent purchases in January who have not performed as expected so we need to begin a new better recruitment era. Tottenham got a mention when he told them Fiorentina went out to a great Tottenham side in the Europa League. It is not often around Europe in recent years that our side has been called great, unless they are referring to historically.
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