What do you REALLY want?
5 min read
While Tottenham as a club and the players are learning and embracing a new mentality, some supporters cling to an old outdated mentality like a crutch.
Napoleon Hill wrote about there being a formula for success, in which total and utter belief that you can achieve was a cornerstone as that drove you to succeed and makes it a certainty. A total belief means you will have the drive to figure out a way to achieve, you just have to keep going and eventually you will get there.
You will take wrong turnings on the way yes but what you don't do is associate with an unsuccessful outlook who try to drag you down to their level. These are the people who will tell you something doesn't work, why, not because it doesn't work, they haven't a clue about that, they have never tried anything themselves, no they want you to stay exactly where you are, they subconsciously don't want you to succeed.
You can hear the same 'drag em down' approach from people who spend their time complaining. Positive is upward, negative is downward, it isn't rocket science. We have fans expecting Kane to be sold, they con themselves into thinking that that is reality when it is, in fact, it is pessimism, defeatism, negativity. They are already mentally dragging down.
That sort of mentality has no place in a successful organisation, especially one on the cusp of such dramatic change. In Mauricio Pochettino, we have a young manager driving us toward success, those who don't believe are tossed aside, those that do believe are playing, then there are those who are caught up in the emotion in the feeling, who know something is possible but don't yet totally believe it.
The most difficult part of working within an organisation is getting your workforce to have the same total belief you have. Your belief will drive you to do whatever it takes to succeed, but a workforce won't unless they have been sold and they totally believe. Football is no different, footballers are human beings. Some like Harry Kane or Dele Alli totally believe, you can see it in their play, some don't, with them it is still a hope and the recent Tom Carroll interview suggests he is one of those.
Yoy can't force someone to have total belief, they can only determine that for themselves, they decide on their emotions nobody else, just as individual fans themselves decide to be negative. Belief can grow with each three points, but the focus for the players has to be on each three points. A player can believe that each three points are possible without thinking winning the league is possible, it depends upon their focus.
The negative among you need to let everything go and take a fresh unbiased look at what is happening, a stadium, the NFL, the change in mentality, the manager and yes Daniel Levy's backing of the manager now he has found the man he has been searching for.
You need to be able to see what is coming and look beyond a season by season approach. If you were to be offered 5 trophies in the next 5 years or 1 trophy now and a 5-year delay before you were in a position to win trophies again, which would you take?
Let me ask you this, would Charlie Austin ever develop into a player good enough in his all-round game to be the striker in a side regularly winning the Premier League?
If not, then why advocate buying him? All you are doing is looking short-term and making it harder to achieve long-term. While you would be training him at first team level you are not training the younger player who is going to be better than him, the man who can lead you to titles. The club needs two Harry Kanes's.
the point is we have a strategy, we have a transfer formula that is working thus we have to stick to it, not throw it out the window and do something totally different in the hope that it achieves a short term goal. Short term goals can be achieved while working towards a long term goal and if slight deviations are made to mop up a trophy, they must not be deviations that prevent us getting back onto our long=term strategy as soon as possible. Any delay simply delays long-term success, which is what the club are after.
Happy achieves, unhappy doesn't.
Think about it, what do you REALLY want as opposed to what you say you want?
Happy New Year folks.
Sporting Gifts available from the Football-Shop.net
Napoleon Hill wrote about there being a formula for success, in which total and utter belief that you can achieve was a cornerstone as that drove you to succeed and makes it a certainty. A total belief means you will have the drive to figure out a way to achieve, you just have to keep going and eventually you will get there.
You will take wrong turnings on the way yes but what you don't do is associate with an unsuccessful outlook who try to drag you down to their level. These are the people who will tell you something doesn't work, why, not because it doesn't work, they haven't a clue about that, they have never tried anything themselves, no they want you to stay exactly where you are, they subconsciously don't want you to succeed.
You can hear the same 'drag em down' approach from people who spend their time complaining. Positive is upward, negative is downward, it isn't rocket science. We have fans expecting Kane to be sold, they con themselves into thinking that that is reality when it is, in fact, it is pessimism, defeatism, negativity. They are already mentally dragging down.
That sort of mentality has no place in a successful organisation, especially one on the cusp of such dramatic change. In Mauricio Pochettino, we have a young manager driving us toward success, those who don't believe are tossed aside, those that do believe are playing, then there are those who are caught up in the emotion in the feeling, who know something is possible but don't yet totally believe it.
The most difficult part of working within an organisation is getting your workforce to have the same total belief you have. Your belief will drive you to do whatever it takes to succeed, but a workforce won't unless they have been sold and they totally believe. Football is no different, footballers are human beings. Some like Harry Kane or Dele Alli totally believe, you can see it in their play, some don't, with them it is still a hope and the recent Tom Carroll interview suggests he is one of those.
Yoy can't force someone to have total belief, they can only determine that for themselves, they decide on their emotions nobody else, just as individual fans themselves decide to be negative. Belief can grow with each three points, but the focus for the players has to be on each three points. A player can believe that each three points are possible without thinking winning the league is possible, it depends upon their focus.
The negative among you need to let everything go and take a fresh unbiased look at what is happening, a stadium, the NFL, the change in mentality, the manager and yes Daniel Levy's backing of the manager now he has found the man he has been searching for.
You need to be able to see what is coming and look beyond a season by season approach. If you were to be offered 5 trophies in the next 5 years or 1 trophy now and a 5-year delay before you were in a position to win trophies again, which would you take?
Let me ask you this, would Charlie Austin ever develop into a player good enough in his all-round game to be the striker in a side regularly winning the Premier League?
If not, then why advocate buying him? All you are doing is looking short-term and making it harder to achieve long-term. While you would be training him at first team level you are not training the younger player who is going to be better than him, the man who can lead you to titles. The club needs two Harry Kanes's.
the point is we have a strategy, we have a transfer formula that is working thus we have to stick to it, not throw it out the window and do something totally different in the hope that it achieves a short term goal. Short term goals can be achieved while working towards a long term goal and if slight deviations are made to mop up a trophy, they must not be deviations that prevent us getting back onto our long=term strategy as soon as possible. Any delay simply delays long-term success, which is what the club are after.
Happy achieves, unhappy doesn't.
Think about it, what do you REALLY want as opposed to what you say you want?
Happy New Year folks.
Sporting Gifts available from the Football-Shop.net
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Why not encourage your child to keep his/her room tidy and to do the household chores or homework each week by rewarding them each month with something for their bedroom, the Spurs piggy bank below is just one item from a range you could choose. Set them a target, if they achieve your desired standards reward them. If their passion for Tottenham is great they'll do what it takes to get a gift each month and you will have taught them valuable life lessons.
What a plan, the longest plan in history to have returned nothing.
Long may the strategy continue Rome wasn't built in a day after all.