Pochettino tells supporters to support the club
2 min read
The common sense and the positive outlook that creates an environment for success should be the object of everyone, but there will always be those that cling desperately to their own almost anti-Spurs beliefs.
It is important the supporters believe in the team. It is important the supporters believe in the coach. It is important the supporters believe in the chairman. Some simply don't want to, they don't actually want success, if they did they would 'support' the club. It is the first step to winning titles.
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"Our supporters are very happy with the team. They share our values. You can see every game at White Hart Lane or away they are unbelievable and back the team.
"It is a very important thing our supporters believe in the team and that we can achieve good things. This is the most important thing. It is the first step to winning some titles. We don't set limits on our possibilities. The important thing is we all believe in the way we took 18 months ago.
"We are very ambitious. The group is strong. There is enough quality. In football anything can happen."
It is important the supporters believe in the team. It is important the supporters believe in the coach. It is important the supporters believe in the chairman. Some simply don't want to, they don't actually want success, if they did they would 'support' the club. It is the first step to winning titles.
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Telling people how they should feel again?
Fans dont win Titles, pessimists/optimists totally irrelevant.
Players and Coaches win Titles, Top 1s its as simple as that.
And perhaps if we started doing something other than announcing profits and off field success you may find more positivity.
And before you start with your 'negative, short sighted' sound bites 15 years is not knee jerk
That is not negative its hunger, success can and will only be achieved by players/manager/board all wanting it as much as the fans do.
The wishy washy fan base are probably the most negative thing about the club clapping failure and making excuses.
Now that is negative !
Whether it is an amateur team or a premier league team, positivity from all corners of the club including supporters build the positive mentality you have spoken of.
Time and time again you hear professional athletes comment on how the crowds chanting etc helped lift their spirits or helped push them to success and in all different sports not just football.
As an amateur footballer myself i have won league titles and cups and can definately say that positivity and support from fans and the crowd is a massive help when trying to have a positive successful mindset yourself as a player.
Do you honestly think a team getting booed by their own fans all game each week could keep that positive, successful mindset as easily as a team who has fans getting behind them and cheering them on. I dont think so.
Player, professional or not are still only human and need positive reinforcement and encouragement all around them, some more than others.
To think fans m…
But yes i am pissed off, i pay good money to support my team, i ive followed them all my life and had very little return in regards to success but i still follow.
Success is bred from the top down we have a board that anounce profits but spend nothing on the 1st team. We throw 13 point leads to miss out on CL, we sell our best players to the highest bidder, we mainly employ poor managers, and no matter how much clapping and cheering you do it will not change these facts.
So articles like this bashing fans who give thier all to the club through good n bad and trying to make out they are now the reason we dont win things is just embarrassing and you have the cheek to call me a 'moron' mr positive?
I never said u booed the team or were a bad supporter.
If u read the article nowhere did poch say anything bad about the fans or bash them. The writer of the article made it sound that way as the media do all the time to get as many clicks and the story as possible. The truth doesnt sell stories.
I also would like great success for our great spurs.
I too have felt the same disappointment. And also agree with not booing our players and comend you for not joining in. I would just like to say that we all need to read through the lines in these articles and look at facts or actual quotes. Poch is very smart in what he says to the media from what i can see and surely likes his job enough to not want to get fans or anyone else off side.
Unfortunately we have sold some of our best players who have wanted to leave for bigger wages or 'bigger' clubs so th…
If you turn up to a game and your side play with hunger and entertain you will not find a boo in the place and you will find fans will cheer them on.
If and if youve ever been to a game and watched the team jog about, with the incapability to mark, pass to a player in white, duck challenges, laugh when a goal goes in (all very present in our play last 3 seasons) then dont blame fans for failures on the pitch because they didnt roar on an embarrassment.
Success is bred from the top down and filters throughout the club, we have a massive fan base and as much as you wish to hate (a negative force that you are against) half of it (the half that obviously want to see better from the team and speak up about it) in essence we all want better.
But blaming fans is pathetic and yet another weak excuse to protect your happy clappy agenda.
The truth is individual perception, two people can tale the same facts and see something different, which is the truth? They both are, they are just different angles to the truth.
You are right, every fan, no matter where they are in the world, make a difference.
Self appointed??
Nice diversary tactic by the way.