How does Pochettino stack up to The Perfect Manager
6 min read
When Mauricio Pochettino was appointed it was clear he was here for the long haul. With a new stadium to build we couldn't afford to be changing managers and, therefore, changing the team to their image. We had to look forward and so conducted deep background checks on Mauricio Pochettino's character before appointing him.
In theory the perfect manager should be whole-brained. By that I mean they should be equally adept at left-brained skills (logic, rational analysis) and right brained skills (intuitive, empathic). He would be adept in the following areas also:
- Visionary - They would understand and be a guardian of the game's core values. They would be able to see beyond the immediate needs of the club and evolve our game both tactically, structurally and organisationally for the long-term. I think we are clearly seeing that at Tottenham at the moment.
- Innovator - They would introduce new philosophies, disciplines and practises into the club while never being afraid to experiment with tactics. They will utilise other methodologies from sport and business. Certainly Pochettino has introduced a new philosophy within the club and his use of hot coals at Southampton shows he is prepared to draw on other walks of life to build the right mentality and team ethic in his players.
- Edginess - They should be ruthless when ruthlessness is called for, acting without emotion or sentiment. Key decisions are always made for the benefit of the team and importantly its future. They should be prepared to be unpopular to service the club's cause and ethics. They will be prepared to challenge authority when required and create for themselves an aura of respect, even trepidation. They should never be satisfied with success and should always be craving more. Pochettino certainly ticks this box in the way he has dealt with players, from Adebayor and Kaboul to Townsend. When thinking of this element Sir Alex Ferguson springs to mind as a master of it.
- Strategist - The ideal manager will always find a way to win, even when others anticipate defeat. While that may be impossible, it is the ideal to be aiming for. They should be the master of the mind game and love the mental challenge that competition evokes. They should be a devoted student of the game and have an astute awareness of tactics, strategies and tacticians. Think Sir Alex Ferguson and Jose Mourinho and you would tick the box. Pochettino we know is a student of tactics and at the moment seems to have found a way not to lose, turning th draws into victories is the next challenge.
- Storyteller - They should have a strong awareness of the history of the club, its community values and cultural significance. They should then be able to bring people together by showing them their role within the greater scheme of things. They should be able to give meaning to every game and it's relevance in the club's evolution, thus they give the individual the motivational tools they need to motivate themselves. Pochettino has certainly improved the mentality of the club and created a motivated squad of players.
- Respecter - They should display respect for others treating the players like adults and expected the same in return. They should not, and in return the players should not, criticise unthinkingly. They should create a strong sense of belonging and build family-like morals. Pochettino clearly has the respect of the players, you hear that at every turn and isn't prone to blaming others, referees, for instance, for situations.
- Leadership - They create disciples who will sustain and articulate his culture. This is achieved by creating a strong sense of belief. From there they grow a belief in how the game should be played, how the game impacts on the lives of fans and the role players serve as ambassadors of the club. Hugo Lloris is known to feel he has met a kindred spirit in Pochettino and a player like Harry Kane conducts himself in the manner you would want from your children. Compare his conduct with the childish foul mouthed tirade of Jack Wilshere.
- Communicator - They should be a communicator. When they talk others listen and trust what he is saying. They will be an excellent man-manager, one who knows how to bring the best out of each player, with the right words, said at the right time, in the right way for the right reasons. That is not to say every player will be good enough for where he wants to take the club, but he should be able to get the best of what they have. Pochettino is certainly getting a tune out of Dembele, Alli and Lamela, building a squad to respond to his teachings.
- Principled - They will have very clear beliefs, standards and ideals which they champion at all times, fighting injustice where they see it. Compromise is almost an alien concept, even when they are wrong. They will have strongly defined ideologies which they will not tolerate deviation from. various elements can be seen at various times with Pochettino from discipline to an insistence on a style of play or a decision not to buy a player unless all his conditions are met, which includes price, given that he is part of the team who value players both for purchase and sale.
- Organiser - They will have observed and worked with others learning from them. When given a position of authority they then apply what they have learnt, adapting it in their own image. Preparation should be meticulous leaving nothing to chance, attention to detail a friend. You will often find that the best organisers are introvert by nature, happy working in the background. This seems to be Pochettino to a tee.
So how does Pochettino compare? Managers and their traits spring to mind at each element. Sir Alex Ferguson has had his career and it has been hugely successful, Mauricio Pochettino is in the infancy of his with another 25 to 30 years ahead of him. Does he have the traits of a successful manager, I would say so, would you?
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Utter drivel.
What a deluded muppet