Anti-Levy means anti-stadium
2 min read
One wonders that if the anti-Levy anti-ENIC clutch who want Levy out because he is such a disaster for Tottenham Hotspur then presumably they don't want the things he is doing for the club, like a new stadium.
Surely these people can't support the things he is doing, but not support the person doing them. A stadium takes the club forward, an NFL tie up takes the club forward yet they claim he is dragging it back, logic is clearly losing out to prejudice.
I want a new stadium, most of us know how important it is, I want an NFL tie-up because the American market is in its infancy and untapped. Getting into their homes via the biggest sport in the country is an excellent opportunity for the club to generate a substantial income through sponsorship and commercial deals.
Chevrolet and Manchester United have a £53-million-a-year shirt sponsorship deal, there is money to be made over there. It is a market Daniel Levy has targetted to develop and produce the future levels of income that will allow us to compete on an even footing. That's not good enough for some.
A clear path, a clear strategy, a clear sight of growth. You either budget your finances out to achieve all the things you need to achieve to secure the most important thing of all, the ability to compete at the top table consistently as opposed to fleetingly. That, of course, takes an income to pay wages, we don't have the £750-million deal Manchester United have with Adidas to do that.
We either have to have the mentality to do an honest days work and build a future out of our own efforts or send out begging letters to live off a rich man's handouts.
I know which I prefer.
The club is being built, which is plain for everyone to see, the team is being built, we clearly have a direction and are backing pour head coach. We have an exciting young team ready to grow together and are setting ourselves up to remain as a club challenging when we build the new stadium. It is vital we can afford the side we have them and that they are competitive, without a doubt we are working towards that goal.
Should we throw all that away and change course, should we splash the cash, increase the wages and put everything we have planned into doubt, in effect gamble with our future, because we have no idea what a new owner would do. Quite frankly it's madness, the jealous plastic brigade can keep their daydreams, I'm happy the club are doing an honest days work and building a sustainable future.
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The Stadium just gets better and better on paper and who knows might actually be built by 2030.
Hopefully we name a Stand after this visionary and maybe have a Statue that we can all thank for bringing such dizzying consistency.
Remember those Enic years with a warm glow as we all tell our Grand kids about how well we sold our best players and kept the accounts.
Roll on 2061 got a good feeling about that year.
We do have a plan for the future but you will not see results this year or probably next. I don know, however, that the cynical, pessimistic and simplistic arguments put by HH and the anti Levy brigade are doing positive harm to our club. HH claims to be a Spurs supporter but ask yourself this question; if you really were a true supporter of your football club would you publish insider information which is not in the public domain because the club deems that were it to be so would likely be damaging to the club?
White Hart Lane would be a much happier place and the team, as a result, would play much better if HH and his kind just stayed away. Football is passionate of course but it is also meant to be fun. I can't see how the anti-Levy lot get an…
If you are happy existing and not achieving then that is negative, Sport is about winning having a winning mentality and drive to succeed.
Sitting there clapping and accepting mediocrity is not Positive.
ENIC have poured in huge amounts of investment to fund the NPD. If, at the end of the day, they make a big profit out of the club I won't be dissatisfied. I want to see our club investing and growing on and off the pitch and you would have to be blind not to see that is exactly what is happening.
And that with out him a new Stadium is unobtainable?
Where does he rank in Spurs folk law amongst the Greats?
The Guy that has returned 1 league cup in 14 years, future hall of fame-r ????
Its embarrassing the support of this utter muppet!
I'll be interested to hear your excuses Clive when the stadium is built only for Enic to increase their cut and because of this we still wont be able to out spend the big boys, will you still be Crowing about the Saviour then?