Spurs Improvement hindered by a resistance to change
4 min read
Footballers are human beings and are subject to the same restrictions that everyone else places upon themselves. Yes they earn a lot of money, yes they have a skill which they have developed, but they are no different to you and I or an employer or employee.
However once they are earning a wage they are comfortable with they then have a decision to make, do they stay at the same skill level, stay in their comfort zone, or do they push themselves to get to the next level.
They have a mindset about who they are and what they can accomplish that limits what they can actually achieve. Some accept that limitation and remain on the same plateau. You recognise these players as having unfulfilled potential. Players who go to a club and don't improve, they just want to get away with doing what they have always done or in other words, just being good enough. An employee rather than an employer, an Indian rather than a chief. They will follow where someone leads them but they'll do what they always do and be resistant to change.
Others, the winners, change their limitations, they push them, advance them, in short they improve, they strive to improve, are driven to improve. These are the players who become world class players, these are the players who transform themselves and rise from the pack. It doesn't just happen, it happens because of their mindset, they want to achieve and they want to be the best they can be.
It is farcical to suggest a system is at fault for failure because it doesn't suit an individual player, it is up to the individual player to adapt, to change, which he will do with the right mindset. But if he doesn't believe, then he'll be resistant to change and won't have a hope of improving or adapting. A player like that is of no use to a club unless you can change his mindset.
Their is a world of difference between the two and the more of the second set who congregate in the same place the more successful that team become. Thus who you sign and more importantly, the mindset of who you sign, is of vital importance.
You hear the phrase a manager has lost the dressing room, in effect he has lost the minds of the players, they don't believe so don't perform, they expect failure so failure is what they get. Any club is therefore beholden to the mindset of it's players, in effect the players control the destiny of the club whereas the club should be controlling it's own destiny. It can do that by educating the minds of the players.
Tottenham are in a mess with a whole bunch of limited players. We have some good skilful players but they are content within themselves, they earn what they want and have no need to improve, to push themselves. Are Adebayor, Dembele, Paulinho, Chiriches, Lamela, Soldado better players than when they arrived? Adebayor and Dembele have been here for a few seasons, can you honestly tell me they have improved their game, added to their game or have they just done what they have always done?
I spoke last season about how Tottenham needed to improve their recruitment and how the club need to appreciate that the mental side of the game controls everything. How Tottenham need to become world class, world leaders in assessing a player mentally and then working with players mentally to become the winners who want to achieve, who want to improve, who want to rise out of the pack to be the best they can be.
We have taken a step, whether it is the right one time will tell, but the appointment of an analytical expert to head recruitment would suggest a step forward. It is reported that Paul Mitchell uses an almost forensic analysis of a player before recommending them, not just their on field performance but off field as well. That suggests he gets an insight into their mindset as well.
It is not impossible to change a mindset, an Indian can be turned into a chief, a future is not set in stone. A footballer can change his mindset in the right environment and with the right encouragement. Pochettino seems to understand that and is looking to bring winning mindsets into the club.
We also have youthful players who have ambition, it is never too late for the established players to regain ambition, but it won't simply happen.
It has to be a club policy to provide the environment and the training to foster the attitude. The benefits are enormous. The club can then attract any player who has or wants to have the ambition to be the best they can be, to achieve, because Tottenham would be the innovating world leaders and that is the biggest draw of all.
If you can attract a player because of what you can do for them then you are not reliant on what wage can you pay to attract a player. You have turned the tables. Instead of having a group of players doing us a favour by playing we would have a set of players giving their utmost because we are doing them a favour.
The club then takes back it's own destiny into it's own hands and not those of the players.
However once they are earning a wage they are comfortable with they then have a decision to make, do they stay at the same skill level, stay in their comfort zone, or do they push themselves to get to the next level.
They have a mindset about who they are and what they can accomplish that limits what they can actually achieve. Some accept that limitation and remain on the same plateau. You recognise these players as having unfulfilled potential. Players who go to a club and don't improve, they just want to get away with doing what they have always done or in other words, just being good enough. An employee rather than an employer, an Indian rather than a chief. They will follow where someone leads them but they'll do what they always do and be resistant to change.
Others, the winners, change their limitations, they push them, advance them, in short they improve, they strive to improve, are driven to improve. These are the players who become world class players, these are the players who transform themselves and rise from the pack. It doesn't just happen, it happens because of their mindset, they want to achieve and they want to be the best they can be.
It is farcical to suggest a system is at fault for failure because it doesn't suit an individual player, it is up to the individual player to adapt, to change, which he will do with the right mindset. But if he doesn't believe, then he'll be resistant to change and won't have a hope of improving or adapting. A player like that is of no use to a club unless you can change his mindset.
Their is a world of difference between the two and the more of the second set who congregate in the same place the more successful that team become. Thus who you sign and more importantly, the mindset of who you sign, is of vital importance.
You hear the phrase a manager has lost the dressing room, in effect he has lost the minds of the players, they don't believe so don't perform, they expect failure so failure is what they get. Any club is therefore beholden to the mindset of it's players, in effect the players control the destiny of the club whereas the club should be controlling it's own destiny. It can do that by educating the minds of the players.
Tottenham are in a mess with a whole bunch of limited players. We have some good skilful players but they are content within themselves, they earn what they want and have no need to improve, to push themselves. Are Adebayor, Dembele, Paulinho, Chiriches, Lamela, Soldado better players than when they arrived? Adebayor and Dembele have been here for a few seasons, can you honestly tell me they have improved their game, added to their game or have they just done what they have always done?
I spoke last season about how Tottenham needed to improve their recruitment and how the club need to appreciate that the mental side of the game controls everything. How Tottenham need to become world class, world leaders in assessing a player mentally and then working with players mentally to become the winners who want to achieve, who want to improve, who want to rise out of the pack to be the best they can be.
We have taken a step, whether it is the right one time will tell, but the appointment of an analytical expert to head recruitment would suggest a step forward. It is reported that Paul Mitchell uses an almost forensic analysis of a player before recommending them, not just their on field performance but off field as well. That suggests he gets an insight into their mindset as well.
It is not impossible to change a mindset, an Indian can be turned into a chief, a future is not set in stone. A footballer can change his mindset in the right environment and with the right encouragement. Pochettino seems to understand that and is looking to bring winning mindsets into the club.
We also have youthful players who have ambition, it is never too late for the established players to regain ambition, but it won't simply happen.
It has to be a club policy to provide the environment and the training to foster the attitude. The benefits are enormous. The club can then attract any player who has or wants to have the ambition to be the best they can be, to achieve, because Tottenham would be the innovating world leaders and that is the biggest draw of all.
If you can attract a player because of what you can do for them then you are not reliant on what wage can you pay to attract a player. You have turned the tables. Instead of having a group of players doing us a favour by playing we would have a set of players giving their utmost because we are doing them a favour.
The club then takes back it's own destiny into it's own hands and not those of the players.
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