Spurs future looks better after Sherwood appointment
6 min read
Many fans may not be aware that Tottenham are only two wins away from equalling last seasons highest ever Premier League points total, which goes to show how the opposition have improved more than we have.
Head Coach Tim Sherwood, aside from the games against the top4, has done well if you look at his points tally. There may appear to be a lack of a plan, which is highly unlikely and some of the players have not been trying, but he has Tottenham fighting for points. The dressing room appears to have been dragged round to put in battling performances and pick up points, those not at the top of their game have been dropped.
For some absurd reason that still gets complaints despite being exactly the right thing to do. With Brendon Rodges being slated for a year by Liverpool fans for what the fans saw on the pitch it is clear a system takes time to embed itself with the players. Tim Sherwood has had just a few months and wasn't asked to embed a system, just entertain and score some goals. He has done that, fulfilled his remit and may well have done the club a huge favour in the process.
Players playing for themselves and their own World Cup place have had a kick up the backside and had to learn that is unacceptable at Tottenham. Giving 100% all the time is a minimum requirement, alas that has not always been the case, Vertonghen and Paulinho being just two examples. Vertonghen didn't respond, Paulinho did.
Former midfielder Sherwood took over in December clearly as an interim as his remit suggests. The 18 month contract was merely a smokescreen to keep the press at bay and not have the situation he is in now with the press asking him at every conference who is taking over. To do anything less and leave him in the Rafa Bentiez Chelsea position simply would have been wrong.
"At every press conference at our training centre, it was 'you're keeping the seat warm for someone else'. Yeah, I am but the seat's getting quite hot.
"Every press conference I do it's 'this manager's coming in...Van Gaal...then Hoddle, this one and that one.' Some of these managers are actually touting themselves for my job. I don't think that's right.
"It's something that doesn't sit well with me. If anyone ever asks me about another job I just tell them that they've got another manager. Until they haven't got a manager and until I haven't got a job, say nothing."
What Sherwood is subjected to now is bad enough but it would have been 10 times worse had he been publicly installed as an interim boss, hardly fair on someone with no experience. His record of 12 wins and 3 draws from 20 games is as good as many other managers. With 2 games to go securing Europa League football, albeit by finishing 6th, could well be attained again, essential for revenue, exposure and to attract potential players.
His honesty to the press is a welcome change in a world where managers, players and clubs simply lie to the media or speak without saying anything giving stock answers. The fans are not fools, they are not blind, we can see who is trying, who isn't so we know when a manager is feeding us rubbish. Quite why so many fans have a problem with honesty is quite disturbing, perhaps they need to take a good hard long look at themselves.
Players are men aren't they? Do you fall to pieces if someone question you, why should a football player, are they babies? Sometimes you have to give someone a few home truths. There will be arguments that should be done behind closed doors and perhaps the public outburst after the Chelsea game should have been so but all he actually did was say what the fans were saying.
Players are accountable to the club yes but they are also accountable to the fans in a way and as fans why should we not know that the boss agrees with us when we see a player not giving it 100% or not anywhere near the top of his game.
"I've done all right, you know, it's been hard. I've had to keep my discipline, I suppose, and my dignity, pride and just get on with the job.
"That's all I've tried to do. It is an honour to manage this football club and long may it continue."
Sherwood understands better than most about the mentality and the character it takes to succeed in the Premier League having won it himself as the captain of Blackburn Rovers. It is not simply a question of being a good player, there a hundreds of those, but you have to have extra ingredients. Looking through the Spurs squad those extra qualities are few and far between so players either have to acquire them or be moved on.
He is not afraid to drop players and demands hard work. He has Emmanuel Adebayor back to the payer we signed, has Christian Eriksen starting to have a big influence on games and has developed youth players, all of which can only benefit our future.
Spurs are in better shape now then when he arrived, he has shown some of them what it takes to be a winner which Eriksen seems to have taken on board given the fact he has to be dragged off the training field. The more players Sherwood's winning mentality has rubbed off on the players the better, those that haven't grasped it are going to win us nothing.
The words of Eriksen early in Sherwood's spell in charge show how he asked the players to unshackle themselves from the AVB strait jacket brand of football.
"The coach has told us to play with more freedom. He said it looked like we were a little bit afraid before. He said we shouldn't be afraid. He said we should just play and see that we are good. If we dare we have a really good team and really good chances. I think what you see now is how we should play.”
He was open to the fans saying he does not mind taking risks, which of course can lead to goals conceded but also means we score more goals. Overall it has been a lot more entertaining to watch and we have started to see signs of the players we thought we had bought.
Yes you have done alright Tim, against your appointment from the start, your brand of management has been refreshing, I only wish there were more honest people in football instead of pandering to some of these over paid prima donnas. If we only look at the league table from the beginning of Sherwood's appointment Spurs would be sitting fourth in the Premier League.
The fruits of your spell in charge will be seen next season when if the attitude you have instilled is maintained. Let's hope all the good work that has been done is not now undone.