Good Management vs Mismanagement

Supporters (#COYS) are divided at the moment, many are in pain, their messiah having been sacked, resigned, left by mutual consent depending upon which report you read and naturally a few turn on Daniel Levy.

Tottenham Hotspur is a business, in the football business, part of the entertainment industry. Bottom line that is all it is, it's X Factor on a Saturday afternoon or Eastenders on a Sunday, Poirot in midweek. Yes it raises passion and thus elevates itself to something more meaningful.

The world is about tribes and finding the tribe that fits you. Spurs are our tribe, through thick and thin we will follow them with passion, desire, euphoria and despair. We will have our own views and air them, we will agree, we will disagree, we will say things that in hindsight we may not have said, passion does that.

Amid all this passion a Chairman has to take a dispassionate view.

There are two types on management a Chairman can undertake. One is to be reactive, wait for failure and then make a change. Pick up the pieces and try to put them together in a more efficient, effective, profitable and more successful way than they were before. That is basically mismanagement. You are having to start again because something has failed.

To manage properly, to be proactive, a Chairman has to look to the future, he has to see the problems before they become too serious and do to much damage. He has to look for positives, for progress, for hope that fortunes can change. He has to assess is what is being produced good enough with the resources at hand, in this case a quality playing staff and training facilities, and is the approach going to take us to where we want to be.

With Tottenham comes a prerequisite for flair and entertainment, the Chairman understands that and managers have to embrace that. Like any other business we have a brand, we have an image and potential partners buy in to be associated with that image. Flair, entertainment, happiness, success, these are images the market place desires, these are images that bring potential investors.

Daniel Levy has made a tough decision, a decision the board fully backed. The style was not there, the potential was not there, a flawed machine was being created, pieces assembled in the wrong order. If your staff don't get along then something has to give.

AVB for instance had a blazing row with Steffen Freund and removed him from the bench as a result, yet he was supposed to be his right hand man. Now he had to sit out the way behind somewhere while AVB consulted someone else instead. You can not have that working relationship in any successful business.

Managers are ten a penny, another will be found and asked to assemble the jigsaw with the same pieces at hand. Every one of us hopes they are successful, we all sing from the same hymn sheet there.

Personally I'm behind the man who has taken this club from mid table obscurity to regular top four challengers without the resources everyone else has. Levy has done it by setting high standards and if you don't measure up you go, be that managers or senior employees not bringing in enough corporate business.

Let's make no mistake Daniel Levy is a shrewd businessman, but he also has his heart in Spurs, he feels humiliation just as much as we do. We are no longer a mid table team and therefore have higher standards. Now we are a regularly top four contender and those are the minimum standards we must now judge everything by. Going down the table for instance to come back up it in future seasons is not an option, only staying in the top four and improving is an option. That is where we are at, that is the minimum standard.

Proactive management is the only way to sustained success, reactive management is catch up management which means constant near misses, or to be blunt consistent failure.

Oh weren't we unlucky is simply an excuse for failure and failure is not good enough.

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