The series continues tonight 10.21pm

Released tonight at 10.21pm (22.21hrs) UK time is another in the tactical series, which has grown from an initial article, where we are continuing to look at the 4-3-3 system Andre Villas-Boas expects to play for most of the season.

The system changes into what looks like a 4-2-3-1 or 4-1-4-1 or 4-5-1 depending upon the game situation but starts and reverts back to a 4-3-3.

The article tonight entitled, AVB Formula For Success, is the 5th in the series and looks at the replication of his Porto side at Tottenham. Is there a misconception over his use of inverted wingers? Tonight's article will help you answer that.

Once you see the team blueprint you will be able to identify the type of player we want, you'll better be able to see which future targets are genuine and which are newspaper speculation when it all starts again in a couple of months.

Previous Articles in the Series:
Tottenham: A Tactical Analysis - looks at our system through the eyes of the Arsenal game
Video: The 4-3-3 Explained - explains player and ball movement within the system to enable you to recognise patterns of play.
Player Roles Within A 4-3-3 - lists the basic defensive roles for each player
Players Attacking Roles Within A 4-3-3 System - lists the basic attacking roles of each player

Immediate Future Articles:
AVB Formula For Success - (tonight 10.21pm , 22.21hrs UK time)
Walker - Understanding The Maligned Full-Back Role  (Wed  10.46pm, 21.46hrs UK time)

Looking further forward I'll produce articles to look at the centre-backs, midfield, wide men and the central striker, although I don't suppose we should leave the goalkeeper out, can't have him feeling unloved, so an article on his role as well.

That makes for around 11 articles to begin with, I say to begin with, there were only going to be two but a series has morphed out of it so who knows how many there will eventually be. Spread over time, although I've crushed a few in before our next game to aid your viewing experience, I hope you are enjoying and will enjoy the series.

Thanks for your comments, I do read them, it would appear generally you appreciate having something to read about the club we all love that is different from the norm, different from the rehashed news available on many others websites.

By the way when you see rehashed new it is possibly because the website is automated, software grabs an article from another website, more software automatically re-writes the article and it is then auto posted so there is no human involvement. I don't suppose I can convince you my frequent errors are deliberate to show you I'm human, no I didn't think so!

This series started because searching the web I came across a good article by NBC. As it agreed with my views, I took the basis of it, gave it my own twist, added to it and the beginning of a burgoning series was born.

Finally if there are future topics you would like me to cover, or indeed fancy penning an article yourself, do leave a note in the comments and I'll pick it up.